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I just wanted to say a while back I posted asking for advice about what to do about requesting money back from a coach for the 2010 season. Didn't get a lot of nice feedback. But thanks to those of you who did offer helpful, respectful advice on PM.

Against most of your better judgment and advice, I'm sure, I took him to small claims court. He didn't show, I win. Not that I'll ever get the money, but I feel better that now have a legal judgment.

I have some friends who are on that team. They have reported that he is nowhere to be found. One parent told me he packed up and moved out of state. Some of those parents have paid the fee in full (3K), most have been making monthly payments. He has left his team in the lurch without so much as an e-mail or phone call. I even got a phone call from the hitting facility's owner to let me know there was no affiliation and my son is welcome back anytime and that this coach owed him tons-o-money too.

For those of you who remember, I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't a crazy, irrational parent. I had a bad feeling and was looking for some advice. I only hope and pray that he does come back for the season and doesn't leave all these boys without a summer team to play on. I feel absolutely terrible that I referred him and his team to some very good people (and ball players).

thanks for listening
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DLP, I remember reading your post, as well as the negative feedback. You mentioned in this post that you had a "bad feeling." It looks like your suspicions proved correct.

My son had a private instructor who ended up fleecing several players and their parents before disappearing for a while. He reappeared a year later as a coach for an up-and-coming travel program. Despite the respectability of the program director, we refused to recommend the program to others since we knew about the coach's prior actions. Sure enough, he ended up defrauding people connected with that program. Today, he is nowhere to be found.

Most people in the baseball world are on the up and up. Every once in a while, you run into a jerk. Hopefully, from here on out you will experience nothing but class acts. Best wishes to your son!
We were once involved in a softball organization run by, it sound's like, his twin brother----had hundreds of thousands of dollars in judgments against him, owed the same amount to many small businesses. Only difference is that he is still around......How people continue to play for the man is beyond me. Except that he is a good teacher of the game. My daughters learned a lot from him.

The man cannot enter into tournaments--he has to have other dads and coaches sign up. The same with ordering uniforms and equipment.

One of his teams has already imploded -- and the season had just started. Like you said, families had paid thousands of dollars and are without a team of their own.... It's really quite sad.

But as Infield08 said, "every once in a while you run into a jerk". I echo the sentiment--"best wishes to your son".
Originally posted by DLP:
For those of you who remember, I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't a crazy, irrational parent. I had a bad feeling and was looking for some advice.

I did remember some, but to be sure, I went back and read the original thread and there seems to be some revisionist history going on here. Nowhere in your original thread did you allude to the reason you wanted to leave the original team being you "have a bad feeling". You were looking for advice on how to get your dough back. That's fine, but to come back and now claim vindication based on some unspoken cause?

It does seem a little crazy and irrational to spend the time to take someone to court that you know you can't collect from.

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