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Just got the following message from my friend about her son's girlfriend who has the aneurisms:

"I wanted to update you on (Meredith) ... Meredith had an appt at UCLA yesterday with neurologist/radiologist and his outlook was scary. He feels that the aneurisms are in such a delicate spot that the surgery could be too risky to be worth it. Today Meredith sees one of the best surgeons in the country- please pray for her and for the surgeon. She is so scared and we are all just breathless. Her appt is at 3:30 ..."

So there you have it. Understandably she and her dad and loved ones are almost paralyzed in fear. I do not know what that doctor thinks the alternative to surgery is. As soon as I hear something, I will update everyone but please please keep those prayers out there for Meredith.
Mary Ann * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [i]"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 [8/21/08][/i]
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More news from Friday appointment with surgeon ... looks a bit more promising but still awfully scarey:

"Meredith's doctor appt yesterday (Friday) was more hopeful then the Thurs appt. She saw the Chief of Neurosurgery at UCLA Friday and he told her that he has done this surgery 90 - 100 times before and while dangerous--he has been successful. He needs to see more 'films' from her previous tests and then a final decision will be made whether to operate and clamp off the aneurysms. The alternative (note: still don't know what that alternative is ... I am guessing it means doing nothing. FBM )- is not a good one as Meredith's lifestyle would change dramatically. We pray that God is keeping a close eye on our Meredith and the doctor both as the final decision will be made in the next 10 days or so and I will keep you updated. The surgery is a 6 -7 hour ordeal with a 2 - 3 month recovery - unreal."

FBMhere ... This is some very serious stuff for anyone to deal with. Continued prayer support is coveted.

"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up." (James 5:15a NIV)
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom

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