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I received a PM from a poster a few weeks back, that I had become friends with, however had not been in touch with for some, just checking in asking about son.  I used to post quite a bit for a while, but had been away, still checking threads, but not posting much.

Son had a great ride in HS, and fortunately I listened to the veterans on here, and learned how to soak it all in - from the HS seasons, to the summer / fall recruiting circuit.  For those not familiar, he had quite a bit of early attention starting his Frosh year, and was steady throughout.  He (we) held out with any verbal commits, and just prior to his actual early signing (this past fall of 2016) he was throwing at a PG Qualifier, and felt some twinge in his elbow / inner forearm. 

You can guess...near complete UCL tear (Oops!).  You have to kind know my son....he is a "team first" kind of guy, and really bought into the HS camaraderie, and loyalty "thing".  His HS team had gone at least 3 rounds into the playoffs the previous 3 years, and his senior year should have been a solid team, going deep again. 

We met with Dr. Keith Meister (Rangers team physician) - and he was awesome!  Told Jr. he could do stem cell with PRP - hopefully providing enough healing / relief to maybe throw a few innings his senior year, but of course the trade-off -  he would have to redshirt his Frosh year of college.  Jr. thought about it for 5 seconds, and said " I have 5 years to play college baseball, but only ONE senior year of HS".  So without knowing whether the treatments and rehab would result in being able to throw one inning, or maybe not even one pitch, he decided to give it a shot.  Not sure if it was the treatments, or just luck however he threw 60 innings his senior HS year, leading his team to the final four in the Texas State championships at the Dell Diamond.  It was an incredible ending to the HS experience, and glad to say - we (mom and I) enjoyed the ride....even though it was over in a blink of an eye.

Here is a pic of Jr. after his surgery onward towards rehab, and hopefully just as successful of a college career.  Funny thing, was sitting in pre-op waiting to be called, with a gentleman sitting in front wearing a U of Florida T-shirt...he sparked up a conversation with Jr., only to learn he had TJ surgery years ago with Dr. Frank Jobe while playing with the Dodgers, and his son was in surgery that moment with our same Dr.,...his son pitched in this years CWS with the winning Florida Gators...had to come out due to "forearm tightness" which was diagnosed as a UCL tear....

Thanks to all that gave me great advice over the years, and I will continue to read, and maybe contribute a bit more than I have these past few years.Jr. Post Tommy John pic



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  • Jr. Post Tommy John pic
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Good to hear from you. I was asking around to see how you were. I wish him a great recovery.

I always tell people that baseball is a small world. Always be aware that you never know who knows who, even when you don't know who you might be speaking with.

That former pitcher your son was talking to was sons agent for many years and his very close friend.

Yup, a very small world.

TPM posted:

Good to hear from you. I was asking around to see how you were. I wish him a great recovery.

I always tell people that baseball is a small world. Always be aware that you never know who knows who, even when you don't know who you might be speaking with.

That former pitcher your son was talking to was sons agent for many years and his very close friend.

Yup, a very small world.

Great to hear from you girl!!!.....I have thought about you every now and then as well...glad to see you are still contributing to this great board...I will try to make time to do so in the future (hopefully).

WOW - that is crazy how small of a baseball world it can feel, especially at certain should tell your son, or you text the "guy" we were talking to yourself, and joke around with him about knowing who he was talking to yesterday in Arlington.  Now that I think about it, he did talk about coach Leggett at Clemson, and seemed to have ties there, and he did tell us he was (is) an agent....I should have put two and two together, and ask him if he knew you, or your son.   Feel bad for his son, but he came back after surgery and told us the Dr. report was the surgery went very well.  It certainly made us feel good to know that he likely had a choice of just about any MLB team physician to do his son's arm, and chose the same one that did my son's surgery.

BFS, I wish your son a complete and speedy recovery. Having been down this same path, I can tell you it is long and exhausting. Tell your son that there is light at the end of the tunnel. He can take it from the many that have walked in his shoes, it will get better. Keep grinding and follow the schedule. Stick to all the monotonous rehab protocols and he will be back on the mound, even though there are times he/you will have doubts. Assure him that not everyone's recovery is the same. My son had a LOT of bumps and set backs. But after 18 months, he is finally getting closer to feeling normal. 

BFS, best wishes on your sons recovery! 

I went to high school in Arlington and am now in Ca! 

My son just finished up his senior year of high school and boy didn't it go by quick! A little too quick! Husband and I are empty nester now and I don't know if I like it! Ha! 

We are all too familiar with injuries! He missed his freshman year and had to have meniscus surgery and then had a set back last year right before Area Codes but he still was able to play but it was his knee again. Ugh! Luckily we did the stem cell route and thank god it worked! 

Now he's off to play in college! 

Good luck to son! 

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