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Just from reading where the accident took place, around Angus, it doesn't suprise me alcohol was involved. It is just an on and off ramp for some liqour/beer/wine stores.

However, under age drinking again claims another life. The other young man is lucky to be alive. Being familiar with Richland and Chambers Creeks, the water must not have been flowing swiftly or he would have been pulled under and drown, also.

Nonetheless, a tradegy has taken place. A family has lost a son. My thoughts are with them as they try to recover from their loss this holiday season.
Last edited by Jimi Hendrix
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:
I've always taught my kids that nothing good happens after midnight when people are out and about. What on earth were they doing out at 3:45am.

The beer stores close at midnight. No telling what time the accident happened. Sounds as if the other kid took all his clothes off for some reason. He could have been lying on the side of the creek sobering up and then decided he would go looking for his friend. Then he finally wandered up to the Interstate to get help. Just guessing as to what actually happened.

Being away from home the first time, they do tend to take it the extreme and celebrate their independence. You're right, I used tell my kids if you aren't home when you're supposed to be, I'll be the one to come looking for you. You just hope you don't get the phone call those parents received.
Originally posted by Jimi Hendrix:
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:
I've always taught my kids that nothing good happens after midnight when people are out and about. What on earth were they doing out at 3:45am.

The beer stores close at midnight. No telling what time the accident happened. Sounds as if the other kid took all his clothes off for some reason. He could have been lying on the side of the creek sobering up and then decided he would go looking for his friend. Then he finally wandered up to the Interstate to get help. Just guessing as to what actually happened.

Being away from home the first time, they do tend to take it the extreme and celebrate their independence. You're right, I used tell my kids if you aren't home when you're supposed to be, I'll be the one to come looking for you. You just hope you don't get the phone call those parents received.

OP son your first child??? Welcome to college life! 3:45 a.m. to a college-age kid away from home is like 11:00 p.m. to us...

I know the family involved. Played ball with them one fall. Great people. There is absolutely NO reason to speculate on what happened... none at all.

Posts such as these only serve to further hurt the family.
Last edited by momandcpa
Sounds as if the other kid took all his clothes off for some reason. He could have been lying on the side of the creek sobering up and then decided he would go looking for his friend. Then he finally wandered up to the Interstate to get help. Just guessing as to what actually happened.

No speculation, the article stated the Police stated alcohol was involved.

HUH, KellerDad??? Sounds like speculation to me... didn't see this in the newspaper article.
Last edited by momandcpa
I agree with momdandcpa -- it is a difficult time. Yes, it is natural to speculate about what happened. We want our kids to learn from the mistakes of others. We want to know how to communicating warnings to our kids appropriately. A few years ago, a neighborhood kid failed to realize that a road ended and was killed when their car ran through a barrier. In that case, no alcohol was involved -- a tragedy in any case. Obviously, as parents we pray that our kids make good decisions. In my opinion, this poor decision doesn't reflect negatively on the kid or his family. It's just sad.
Last edited by Panther Dad
In my opinion, no one needs to be drinking. At any time or at any age. But that is my belief.

Someone under the influence of alcohol can cause damage at any hour of the day or night. Just as surely at 7 p.m. as at 3 a.m.

I'm about as strict a parent as they come (Texan Son would certainly agree). But expecting kids off at college to be in bed by midnight every night is not a realistic expectation, as momandcpa pointed out.

I believe the point momandcpa was trying to make was that a tragedy has occurred here. And she was hoping to see support for the family expressed, rather than what some perceived as criticism of the deceased.

I do believe some posters replied with the intent of warning young lurkers about potential problems and lessons to be learned from this tragic event. But perhaps these attempts did not come across well to those close to this tragedy.

But I could be wrong...
In my opinion, no one needs to be drinking. At any time or at any age. But that is my belief.

Texan.......I thought I was alone in this thinking. I'm glad to know there is another person out there that agrees with me on the drinking issue. Thank you for making such a bold statement. I tried to make the same statement a little more subtle in my post right before yours.

I in no way meant to demean anyone on this thread, especially the victims families. I would never do that. I cannot imagine how they must feel right now.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
You and I are definitely on the same wave length today, Texan.

Thing is... I'm sure we all tell our children to be home at a decent hour, to not drink and drive, etc. HOWEVER, unfortunately... children go away to school and don't always remember the pieces of wisdom we taught. Many stray from our parental tidbits and aren't (thank God) involved in an accident.

I have noticed many times that people take a tragedy and try to turn it into accusations toward the victim(s) or their parents. Most of us do NOT know the details of everything that happened in this particular tragedy. What we do know is two young men were involved in a horrific accident and the consequences will be felt for years... and probably a lifetime.

On a personal note... and why I am particularly sensitive to this subject... my son lost two friends his freshman year in high school. Four boys in a car. Three were on the baseball team. None were age 16. They snuck out after their parents had gone to sleep. One of the ones that died was to have his birthday party that night. ONE of the hardest things for the mothers of the boys (and I had known the boys/mothers since birth and kindergarten) was the fact that people speculated about whether alcohol/drugs had been a factor. ANOTHER hard factor to deal with was the fact that message boards/"well-meaning" people/etc. actually asked the question... "Where were their parents?" The inference was that somehow they (the parents) were at fault.

Sorry if I have offended anyone...
Last edited by momandcpa
Mom not to be insesitive but the facts are that they were drinking This is a trajedy that occurs every day. No one is blaming the parents but it is important to know the truth.
You are not the only one to be touched by this type of trdjedy as both I and my family have lost close friends due to drinking and driving.
MADD has been driving their messge home for years. What we don't know is if drinking was a contributor to the tradjedy. thankfully no one else was injured or killed. If they hurt an innocent person to me that is a real crime.
The most recent was last spring when my son's girl friend showed up at Coastal Carolina unexspectedly. 2 of her closest friends she grew up with and played fast ball with were killed in Myrle Beach when hit head on by a drunk driver. She was ther to bury them.

"The man — Aaron Brewer, 18, of Red Oak — said he and Howard, the driver of the truck, had been drinking. The pair were driving at a high rate of speed southbound on the east I-45 service road, according to Stapleton. "
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
I think what momandcpa's original reference was in this thread was not the reference of the drinking issue but it was Jimi Hindrix's theory of why the young man was walking in his boxers. I didn't read anywhere in the newsreport about this young man's laying by the creek to sober up, etc. etc. I just read that he was found, after the accident, walking in his boxers.

As we have learned through the reports this accident is a horrific tragedy and it is terrible that alcohol (in whatever form/amount) played in this tragedy. Any type of life ending accident is horrible whether it is at 3am or 3pm.

It does seem like human nature to think that maybe, just maybe if the accident had happened say at 3pm vs 3am then maybe just maybe it wouldn't have happened at all. But unfortunatly I think we are all aware that that it is a proven fact that each and every day and night drinking and driving kills and it truly has no concept of time.

Let this poor family grieve and I think some of us will take what we can from the printed news report and in turn use it, once again, as a reinforcement to our children on the dangers of driving after drinking.

Please remember as innocent as it might have been to put a theory to this situation the word of mouth as fact can and has reached families of those that were killed in the past and were presented as fact and those theories have been known to sometimes add to their personal pain.

Please be sensitive and carefull.

Momandcpa I feel your passion in this one.
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