Strictly my guesses and offerings.
It appears you like to crowd. And to turn on ball, you have to clear front side (early) to get hands through. The hands are kept back because if you commit them too early you will be easily suckered on change. Keeping hands back (with front side opening early, causes drag. Rushed clearing of the front side causes upper body to turn with hips (sorta same time to get movement in), rather than hips first and then upper body ( good observation by deemax). This takes away from your power.
But crowding and opening early with the hands back has its advantages. Bet you always get the bat on the ball.
Here’s what I mean:
why you like the inside fastball and still can go oppo.
Of course CF camera shots with the pitcher in view would really show.
Don’t know if you agree (or care to), but there are some suggestions to work on, if you like.