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When I first came to the HS baseball web, I read every peice of info Bob posted, not once,but sometimes twice, three times maybe. IMO, all a parent has to do is read this info and not have to look anywhere else.

However, I find that some of the info is outdated. For example, the starting minor league salary is not 850 anymore. While still trying to preserve all of the great information that Bob has provided is there anyway we could update some of the info?

I am sure there are many who would be willing to help.

Any thoughts on this?
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Absolutely, this is a wonderful idea!

One of my goals for early 2007 is to finish a new menu system I've been working on so it's easier to find all the articles and pages. And the other big goal is to update the sections that need it (including the articles you mentioned), and fix broken links such as pages that have moved, etc.

How about this ...

Any member who is interested in helping with this, take a look around the site and pick one or two pages that you would like to work on updating. Either post your "page pick" here, or send a PM or e-mail to me at

I will update this thread to show which pages are being worked on. Members can send me the updates in a Word doc or simply in an e-mail, and I will update the corresponding web page.

Even if you don't think you can help with a page, feel free to post a link here in this thread for any page you find that needs updating.

Also, if you have an article you have written that you think would be a nice addition to the site, let me know and we can look at where it fits in.

I would REALLY appreciate the help from all of you! Smile

Last edited by MN-Mom

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