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The National team will be playing the Czech Republic, the Virgin Islands, Chinese Tapai and Puerto Rico.

The main competition should be Puerto Rico and Chinese Tapai.

Then as expected they should be playing Cuba in the finals. I would find it very hard to think that the average Cape team would be on a par with the Cuban National team.

I would think that the competition on the international level will be tougher.

Many college ball players are spread out in various summer wood bat leagues. The talent is not really concentrated.
Last edited by Quincy
Warning! WillieBobo's main purpose in life is convince anyone and everyone that the Cubans (or any other non-USA team) are better than the U.S.

WillieB, for goodness sake, would you move on? What, do you have 3 topic-starters on this subject in the past two weeks? I'm beginning to think either you're not an American at all or you are so consumed by national pride that you can't bear us losing, ever! Either way, it's sick man, sick.

Last I checked the Cubans have ten toes and ten fingers. I've got one.
Last edited by Bum
You seem to have misread the topic and the topic starter.

First off, you do not dispute my assessment or offer one different.

Secondly, I did not squander the drive for excellence in sports that this nation once had.

Lastly, it was not me who bowed to Japan, China and then Cuba in baseball excellence.

You are merely an apologist for an organization who has failed the nation in promoting the sport internationally, nationally and assembling the best teams possible for international competition. The record speaks for itself, in a two horse race, second place is the same as last place. The IOC has acknowledged the failure by dropping baseball as an olympic sport in 2012.

Of course I dispute your assessment, but with you it's like trying to prove a negative.. it's a waste of time. I'm just trying to warn other members before they consider buying into your cookoo theory.

P.S. I've been called a lot of things, some with the "A" word, but I'm not familiar with "apologist". Would you define? I'll try:

A- A
P- Person
O- Obviously
L- Languishing
O- Over
G- Guys
I- Insisting
S- Stupid
T- Things

Respond all you want.. I'm out. But you really need a new topic. It's becoming a yawner.
Last edited by Bum
Originally posted by njbb:
From a baseball point of view, will the USA team face better competition than the players in the Cape Cod league?


The USA national team plays all summer, but what counts is the taking home of the gold. Not sure if the competition they face is better than found on the cape. I do know that their first game was played against the Swamp Bats in the New England league and it could have gone either way.

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