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The USA Baseball YNT beat Venezuela 13-3 today in 7 innings to take the Gold Medal in the Pan Am games. The YNT was undefeated in 9 games of pool and medal play, outscoring their opponents 119 to 13.

That is about as dominant as one team can be!!!! Maybe baseball isn't so bad here in the USA, after all!!!

Great job by USA Baseball players, coaches and organizers!
Congrats to the team.

This is just how it should be every year.

"It marked the first Team USA Pan Am championship since 2000, and the first World Championship since 2003."

You may have noticed the changes since last year due to the suggestions of concerned Americans.
1) Keeping the team together after choosing the final 18.
2) Facing a high level of competition in exhibitions.
3) Avoiding showcasing a pitcher rather than using the talent on the team fully.

The next change I would like to see from USA Baseball is an end to their policy of disqualifying players due to complaints. comments or suggestions from parents.

I'd like to see kids from other states included in the team next year , if they have the talent.
Just when you thought he couldn't get any crazier, WBB posts a note that seems like a backhanded way of taking credit for the team's successes, claiming they won because of their listening to critics, meaning complainers like him. It would be funny if it weren't so disturbing.

Hey, WBB, first of all, you are not the center of the universe, and don't kid yourself, nobody -- and I mean NOBODY -- would ever change anything they are doing based on carping from you.

Second, there is no indication that any of the factors you cited have anything to do with anything. Give us a break!

Third, there is no indication that the Youth National Team excludes anyone on any basis other than an evaluation of the player as a player and as a potential representative of the U.S. in travel abroad. Certainly many states were represented on this year's team, and even more in the trials.

Finally, I would offer congratulations to this year's team. Winning it all is a signal event. Not only is it a sign of great talent and great coaching and management, but also an indication that in the few close situations luck was a bit on our side. It is worth noting that even the very best baseball teams of all time will lose to the very worst on occasion. Bad hops, bad umpiring, a pitcher having an off day -- all things that can turn an outcome from positive to negative. Thus it would neither surprise me nor shame me if Team USA dropped a game here and there in the future. That, after all, is baseball. If you can't take it, get out of the game.
As a parent of one of the players on this year's team and as a spectator to the trials and the Pan Am games, I want to thank all of you for your congratulations for our boys.

I can speak (from first hand experience) that this team was chosen by a team of very fine coaches and men. Having spent time with these boys here in Venezuela, I can tell you that each and every one of them was a fine representation of the United States of America. They played as a team and no one player was ever "showcased". They worked together to achieve an overwhelming victory of each team they played...including Cuba. They handled themselves like gentlemen on and off the field. The coaches and staff of USA Baseball were first class.

So, thank you again to those of you supporting our boys.
Last edited by stephtulla
I can tell you that each and every one of them was a fine representation of the United States of America.

They handled themselves like gentlemen on and off the field. The coaches and staff of USA Baseball was first class.


That is what counts the very most! Winning is great, but the things you mentioned above is what makes many of us most proud of USA Baseball. It's too bad that sometimes people don't recognize that unless we get the gold.
The trophies were awarded to the players selected to the All-Tournament Team and for those players that had tournament high stats.

Ryan Weber - MVP & Best Pitcher
Jaff Decker - Best CF, Hitter, most runs
Kyle Skipworth -Best LF, Most RBIs
L.J. Hoes - Best RF
D.J. Hicks - Best 1B
Tyler Rahmatulla - Best 2B, Most HR's.
Kyle Winkler - Best ERA

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