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To Bee and All,

As some of you may know I recently posted about a problem with an individual/group that has decided to use, without permission a great deal of information from this site without permission. My problem comes in the fact that it is for the monetary gain of this group, not so much in the fact that they are passing it off as their own information.

I DO NOT have any problem with a high school group, parents, players etc. using this information. Placing a bit of it in a program or newsletter. Passing copies out to the team, etc.

As a matter of fact I welcome it! That's what the site is for. An information and idea exchange.

If you would like to place an article or other resource on a team website that too is great. All I ask is that proper credit be given to the source.

Please do not misunderstand my ire on this issue. I want the information on this website to be passed around. My problem is with a person that by my count has used 31 articles and items from this site, without permission, for personal monetary benefit, at the expense of others.

"Doing nothing is still a course of action"
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