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Werman's quite a story. He was a catcher, believe it or not, for Oakton HS in the Northern Region. A real team leader, great kid, tough out -- he was a contact hitter in HS too, and those "bloop" hits he's showing the nation we saw for 4 years in the Concorde District and NR...Great to see a local boy doing so well on the big stage as a frosh...

Go 'Hoos!
Werman is the classic "baseball rat", which I mean in the best sense of the term, like you would call a young basketball player a "gym rat". Werman will do anything you need to help you win.

2B has always been his natural position, but Oakton needed a C, so he went there and was I think All Northern Region and even All State if I'm not mistaken. He has kind of a Flutie-type arm so his size was not an issue at all.

I think UVA liked him as a versatile bench guy, but when he got there they found out they had more than they realized. Kudos to them for giving him a chance and then rewarding his performance. It probably didn't hurt that O'Connor enjoyed having the older brother already at UVA when he got there 6 years ago. Kyle was also a gritty starting 2B back when the starting infield included 3 future MLB players, Koshansky, Reynolds and Zimmerman.

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