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Okay, I know most women don't appreciate appliances and the like for romantic 'holidays' but in all honesty, if my hubby told me to go to Sears and get the stove, oven, and new microwave of my choice, I would be delighted.

Maybe to be more romantic, I could get the stainless steel appliances (tho I love my white appliances) and pretend they are covered in bling bling Big Grin
if you buy a front loader get the extended warranty. we never ever buy one, but we are glad we got one on the washer. We have had the repairman out twice. other than that (went out in the rainy season!) we love it. Repairman (sounds so 50's doesn't it) said it is the only one he recommends. You get a year, but the spinning does a job on nuts and bolts and screws and what nots.

We think uniforms are cleaner though.

btw, off topic - we are tying fels naptha on the red mud this year. anyone else try it?
Those front loading models are nice, but I won't spend that much money... my days of large loads of laundry are over. However, this purchase won't be my valentine's day gift to myself neither. Smile

55Mom - There is a thread in this room regarding getting white pants white where some websters shared about fels naptha. My son is in college now, so my days of dirty baseball pants are gone. Frown I never tried it, but several people swear by it if I remember that thread correctly.
Originally posted by lafmom:
55Mom - There is a thread in this room regarding getting white pants white where some websters shared about fels naptha. My son is in college now, so my days of dirty baseball pants are gone. Frown I never tried it, but several people swear by it if I remember that thread correctly.

I'm not sure who posted it originally but I was one of the people who tired it....and I'm sure my wife appreciates it. (Before you ALL jump on me, please note that I'M the one who scrubbed the red clay out of his uni for about an hour and a half that night)
Hey JT,..I wondered how I had missed the link you put up,..and then after some super sleuthing on my part ( ha! Its called reading the date,...deerrr ssmom!! ) I realized that it was from last years conversation,...just several weeks before I had joined the HSBBW. For a second there had thought I had lost my mind. ( always a possiblity! crazy ha! )

Fun to read the responces from then and now. Perhaps one can tell who the more romantic posters are! Wink

Lafmom,...I enjoy hearing what others are doing and I think its good to be reminded to not forget your special one this heart holiday. ( it DOES happen !!! )

JT,....sounds like if you make an effort of some sort ( especially because you and the missus will be on the road traveling ) and have something prepared for her,..she will most likely stay smitten,...for at least another 22+ years!!!

Shortstopmom's hubster is getting a new set of workout DVD's,...and Royals tickets....that is if he's actually home.
Hows THAT for romance! ha!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Yes, SSmom. I think it's actually wrought iron, but that's what I'm referring to. A friend of mine remodeled her kitchen last year and included iron handles on the cabinets as well as light fixtures... very nice looking. There are so many accessories out there that it's easy to pull that in as part of a decorating scheme. No irons of any other kinds though... including clubs for use on the greens! Smile
Oh my goodness.... Red Face ( blushing! ) apparantly not enough coffee in SSmom's brain this morning to spell correctly! You say potatoe,..I say potatah, say wrought,..I say rod,...( giggle giggle! I am a gooober head!!! ) hah ha haaaa!!!

Thanks Lafmom, are indeed correct about it being spelled wrought-iron,.....and you are also very well informed about it being a nice fashion trend!

I actually have an old rusted iron garden gate on top of our armoire with decorative nick nacks around it. Very eclectic looking. I think I like it because it actually brings some of the outdoors, indoors. Kansas is good for finding those antique bargains! I especially love the old church beveled & stained glass window pieces you can pick up pretty cheap in these parts!

Heeeeey,.... perhaps I just figured out my own Valentines gift to me,..from moi'! Ha!
Last edited by shortstopmom

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