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I believe that there are 2 types of people responding to this post. #1, the person who bases all of their beliefs off of stats and charts and "averages". Then there is those who base their beliefs on the fact that a kid can't have HIS individual projection based off stats, charts, and averages of OTHERS, but believe instead that a kids projection is based off of a his own belief, desire, heart, and work ethic to get better and increase his talent. True, averages may be good indicators, but I don't think that you can throw every kid into a pool of numbers and say that they're finished, done, over, nothing more to gain because the stastics say so. True, it may just be "wishful thinking", but I believe wishful thinking coupled with determination can carry a kid a lot further than simply saying, "well, your 17, you've peaked kid, the book says so." But hey, that's just my humble opinion, but after over a century of baseball and we still can't figure out velocity and guys like Wagner, maybe we should just put it to rest, that we won't know a kids projection until the time comes, and either he's got it or he doesn't.

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