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What is the average velocity (mph) for a varsity pitcher’s FB, I did a search on this topic of some old threads that have been posted, found one that came close but then the thread went off topic. One reply had it at 75-79 for most varsity pitchers, would most of you agree with this, or do you think it is higher. Maybe some of the coaches can answer this one. And if that is the average for a varsity pitcher then what would it be at the freshman level?
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Would agree with those ratings for the most part. Power pitchers are great, but it's not all about velocity. Control, location, mixing it up are many times as important. Nothing better, or sometimes more frustrating for opponents, than watching some crafty kid that knows how to hit spots, change speeds, mix it up, get ground ball after ground ball. Colleges and scouts go by the almighty gun and "projectability", but watching a pitcher versus a thrower can be fun, interesting baseball.

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