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Here's wishing you clear skies tonight. All three will be clustered together in the southwest skies just after dusk. Check it out.

Last month was pretty neat when they were perfectly spaced and aligned in a diagonal with the moon at the top and the brightest (Venus, I think) at the bottom.

Have fun!

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Again, a clear night tonight (12/29; I'm 8-11 hours ahead of most of you). The three are almost in line again, but this month, Venus is much higher in the sky.

Barely visible in this picture is Jupiter, so I added a closer vier.

Between and below the moon and Jupiter (and too faint to photograph when I finally got my camera set up) is Mercury. This was the first time I actually knew I was looking at Mercury. has a write-up.

Get out to view it in the southwest sky just after the sun sets.
Last edited by infidel_08

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