"In a dramatic change that alters the ground rules for high school athletic instruction throughout the state, the Virginia High School League Executive Committee on Wednesday passed a measure that will enable coaches to work with their athletes almost year-round."
Trying to wrap my head around the implications:
-HS baseball coaches could work with the players throughout the year
-Could impact summer ball and fall ball plans
-HS baseball coaches could run summer and fall teams(?), thus impacting travel ball
Article notes that the Northern Region will have their policy guidelines done by May. Got to believe that many HS coaches, regardless of the sport, will keep the teams together to practice and play. Baseball example: I could see HS X keeping their squad together to play summer and fall ball in a variety of travel and showcase tournaments, either under their HS banner or under a facility banner. The impact on the travel baseball/ showcase team environment has the potential to be significant. The major item to address is revenue: revenue for the team, compensation for the coaching staff. Clearly, this is not coming from the school system, but the parent will be paying $_____ per season anyway, so it either goes to the travel/showcase team or it goes to the shell for the HS team.
Will HS coaches be thinking…
-how can I keep my team together: logistics, practices, tournaments, etc.?
-how can I make it attractive to keep my team together vs. travel/showcase, e.g., relationships with recruiters?
-how can I finance this within regulatory guidelines?
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