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I took a ton of video over the weekend while my brother played a double-header. I am editing down some of the footage to put together a DVD for him to watch so he can see what he looks like in the different aspects of his game. The video that I posted in the catching forum has recieved good feedback and I wanted to put up a few atbats for analysis.

The first atbat ends in a weak grounder off the hands. The second is a solid double up the third base line. The third is a deep fly out.

The pitcher throwing in the video was rumored to throw 90 mph, but my dad put the gun on him and got him no higher than 84 mph.

Tell me what you see. What you like and don't like, and anything else about the video.
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Work hard on your load with your hips, lead knee, and lead shoulder. You cant unload without loading. When you find a load that is comfortable to you, then work hard on leading your swing with your belly button. Its difficult to tell what your posture is like so be sure you are incorperating an athletic one...good luck, and I hope you get some good advice on here.
He does a very good job making contact with everything he swings at. That is a very good start. I would encourage him to get quieter at the plate a little sooner. Once the pitcher moves his front leg, sit quietly and begin to load. Also, he stops his swing at the point of contact which means he is slowing the bat through the zone rather than accelerating it. Have him work at driving through the ball not contacting and stopping. These are just my thoughts. It looks like you have some nice ability there.
Yes. He actually prefers wood bats. Why do you ask?

I asked because with such a swing wood usually provides instant feedback which isn't necessarily the case with metal as I've seen college kids send a ball to the warning track on a check swing. Big Grin

IMO he needs to work on proper load/unload technique...he lacks segmentation in that he fires his hips/hands at the same time thus his hands get ahead of his body early resulting in a slapping motion.

Is he able to drive a ball consistently with wood?
Last edited by NYdad
Originally posted by NYdad:

Is he able to drive a ball consistently with wood?

I don't know. I've never seen him use wood. I plan on sitting down with him and going over the film. Jared is a sophomore and one of the better hitters on the team, but with a conscious effort to get out of bad habits he can be that much better. I agree that he doesn't explode on the ball like he should. I'll take all the input you guys give me and help him get a game plan on improving his hitting technique. He knows that he isn't performing to the best of his abilities, that is why he asked me to take this video. I think it will pay off big time in the long run. Thanks you guys for all the help! Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Originally posted by Nighthawks11:
Originally posted by NYdad:

Is he able to drive a ball consistently with wood?

I don't know. I've never seen him use wood. I plan on sitting down with him and going over the film. Jared is a sophomore and one of the better hitters on the team, but with a conscious effort to get out of bad habits he can be that much better. I agree that he doesn't explode on the ball like he should. I'll take all the input you guys give me and help him get a game plan on improving his hitting technique. He knows that he isn't performing to the best of his abilities, that is why he asked me to take this video. I think it will pay off big time in the long run. Thanks you guys for all the help! Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Get an old tire and hang it from a tree or in your basement or garage and let him practice the tips that have been given here. Let him move closer, farther, inside, outside and get the feel of what a powerful swing is and then have him repeat that swing 30 to 50 times a day.

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