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I would hope that the video is a follow-up to a personal visit as it has been my experience/duty to sift through the volumes of "junk" mail from hopeful D-1 prospects. One of the few ways the mountain of mail is circumvented and interest of a coach is stimulated from an unsolicited, unknown, unrecommended source is if the prospect is 6'4", 225lbs, left-handed and throws 90 mph and hits better than average! In this case the kid will be high on the radar of several schools. Make your contacts, become personal and market yourself.
En Fuego I just wonder how many great proppsects you have trashed ?

I sent out unsolicited vigeo and had several invite from D1 4 years and D1 JCs. From Vegas to Florida. My son was a LHP who pitched at 80-82 on a good day.
There aere coaches who won't look at unsolicited material but they are the ones who lose.
I even had responses from Miami and several top D1 programs and had an offer from a D1 JC that went to the WS for 4 years in a row. I always followed up with emails that had great photos to catch immediate attention. The DVD had a great cover showing a nice phot of my son, the ball park he played in and a news clip. If you go fishing use great bait.
Too many do not put any real effort into the video. As I have said many times make it so the coach can't put it down and wants to see more. Always follow up to see if the coach had a chance to view the material. Most called back before I had a chance to follow up. The ones that didn't I pushed to get them to take a moment to look. I pushed one guy for almost 2 months and got an offer from him. The school he is at I called after a couple weeks and said I was surprisede I hadn't hear from him. He appollogizede and the letter of intent was fedexed the next day after some negotiating.
My advice is to make a great real video and cover letter. It costs next to nothing and send them instead of questioning what is the right way. Follow up. The worst the coach can do is say no.
Non of the offers can from coaches who actually saw him pitch.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Rock my son only pitched since 15 yo.

The shots were stills that wereinserted and not attached. When the coach opened the email the picture of a key moment in the delivery was the 1st thing he saw. Some times I would put 3-4 pictures and then a quick note. It was very effective.
Most the time the coach would give me his Cell # and ask me to call him.

My advice is to make a great real video and cover letter. It costs next to nothing and send them instead of questioning what is the right way. Follow up. The worst the coach can do is say no.
Non of the offers can from coaches who actually saw him pitch.

-----Yes...that would be considered marketing...or did you miss that suggestion? My last comment was "Make your contacts, become personal and market yourself."

OBTW....I trahsed no great prospects!

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