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BBscout, other scouts / coaches,

I have been reading this site for over a year now, and I registered and I'm not ready to start adding my knowledge of the game. I understand how it is limited compared to many extremely knowledgable people on this site. I was wondering if I sent through e-mail a video link of myself pitching if you could look at it and tell me some things to work on? Especially you scouts might be able to tell me what to work on in order to better prepare myself for the future? Thjanks so much... I was going to try and do a PM of this, but i dont know how to use them. So if someone coiuld please explain thatd be a great help, too. Thanks a lot.
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Better yet, perhaps this thread can be used by the experts out there willing to provide pro bono analysis via, I recommend, PMs.

For those willing to do so you might get besieged, but you will certainly be thanked! And I suspect you will be in the minority, so this may be the end of this thread

And of course, all should keep in mind that free advice can sometimes be worth what you pay for it. Its important to know the source!

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