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My Father has gotten some great recruiting advice for me lately on this site.

A few members suggested I get a video to send to coaches or post online.

I play third and pitch. Should it be a professional video?

What should I put on the video, is live game stuff more important than swings in a cage and bull pen work? What do coaches want to see?

How many reps and how long should it be?

If it needs to look really good, do you know anyone in central North Carolina that does this kind of baseball recruiting work?

Thank you
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Pitching - Throwing a bullpen one angle from the back to see pitch movement and another angle from the side to see mechanics

Fielding - Balls right at you , forehand , backhand , and slow rollers on the run. Throwing from your position is a must coaches would want to see that.

Hitting - Simply Mechanics from the side view.

If coaches like what they see hopefully they will invite you for a visit or workout. Make it short and sweet nothing too long.

And no music

Also dress appropriately no cut off sleeves , shirt tucked in , hat on straight, just look professional and clean cut
Last edited by lambo

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