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After much thought, this will be my last post. There is a person on this board who has not been very nice to many of us. I don't think he realizes that his behavior as an adult is also a direct result of the unfortunate circumstance that happened to his son regarding the withdrawal of a schools offer. Although he has told us that his son (and he) are very happy going pro and will not bother with us stupid people on the HSBBW, he continues to lurk and posts nasty comments when he gets the opportunity (not just to me). I see they have been deleted here.
Now, he has taken his vendetta to another website where his derogatory posts regarding the coaching staff have been deleted. HE is saying things about why would a kid who pitches in the 90's waste his time in college, sets up another name and says very nasty things about my son eg. he can't even pitch LL now, calling him little Johnnie and taking things that I say here out of context and letting it be known one can read it on the HSBBW. This is very sad. I am sure that he is loving every minute of the fact that my son's college career is somewhat off to a rough start. He is a perfect example of the bb parent out of control.

But that's ok MR. POSTER, because as his coaches have reminded him (and you all remind your son's as well), it makes for a better player in the end, when you learn what it is like to struggle and you really want it bad enough, you will come through.

MR. POSTER, there is a post regarding the college athelete. If you think it is an easy task, think again. Although many may not like my comment, getting drafted and taking 125K as a signing bonus and playing bb all day can't compare to what these kids have to face in college. And if some of them make it to the next level that is fine, if they don't, they won't be worse for it. It is a personal decision,not to be judged or questioned by anyone outside of their circle. Some of our sons have decided to start pro careers a little bit earlier than some others may have chosen, that is NOT a bad thing. Going to college and hoping for a shot later on is NOT a bad thing either. Poking fun and being nasty at others expense, is.
If your son is a professional...Maybe you SHOULD try to be, too~

Just to let everyone know what else you have done, I have even endured threatening emails regarding making my life miserable when I go to visit my son at the cape this summer. This is outrageous!
So MR. POSTER, you got what you wanted but I will not go quietly. I was told to ignore you but I will not allow you to say things about a fine young man, regardless of who he is, my son, or the next person's son. It's hard to believe that you spend your time worrying about other people's lives that have nothing to do with you. I was determined not to let a message board air personal differences, but you have persisted in doing so, I feel I should get my time in before I leave. I ask you, do you feel better now, do you feel like the big MAN that you think you are, hiding behind a name to say vicious things?

I will give you one word of advice and some to other folks. Know that your behavior does not go unnoticed and that it is your CHILD'S future that can be affected by some of the things you do and say. If you just aggravate the wrong people at the wrong time, it can backfire on you. And I thank those who have pointed out the things said on the other website. I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would go to a school's website and make comments about another posters son. I understand that this is common practice among those who can't handle seeing others do good or bad. How would you like it if we went to your son's team website and started to make comments? It appears to me and others that you are not a very happy person.

And while on the subject, this goes to others here as well. Why do some of you come here spouting off about other kids, other parents. Are you THAT unhappy that you need to bring much needed attention to yourself. Do you have to put others down because maybe, just maybe, your son is just not as good as you think or have hoped, so it makes you FEEL better. This board is for helping others and sharing good and bad times. Some of you are most humble and I admire that immensly. We all could take a dose of it now and then.

I do know now how OPP and Bighit felt, there is only so much one can take before it is time to move on. I think they just had it with the nasty remarks and baiting, to everyone. I am tough, but when it comes to my son, I will do what I have to, to protect him from these nasty remarks and if leaving helps, I am gone.

I appreciate all the great people that I have met here and I know those relationships will continue. I wish all of your son's and daughter's much success. I have learned lots here, good and bad things, but mostly good.

I hope that this post remains up, not to be deleted by the moderators. It is not their fault that others are so childish, but I just want MR. POSTER and others to know that this website was not intended (or any other for that matter) for you to bully others. And although this site is very normal compared to other sites, I hope that the moderators will do their jobs in helping it to remain that way.
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Tiger Paw Mom is one of my favorite posters. I'm really bugged by this developing trend of the cyber bullies chasing away the nice folks. As internet communication continues to grow, more thought has to go into how to keep a good balance. While not every post can be positive, people need to be considerate of others. This site is only about boys baseball. . .

The Bashers should go create their own site and then feed off of each other.

Tiger Paw Mom you will be missed.

I hope you follow through with your plans to share the threatening email you received with some of the administrators/"with-it" baseball dads on this site....Just unbelieveable! They should all KNOW.

And then, before you make a final decision about leaving you really must consider the source! Clearly a "nut job" whose current posting name acutally does suit him best.. LOL

Posters here have come to rely on your candid and heart-felt advise, which you so freely offer based on YOUR experiences. It would be a shame if another one bites the dust! Too many
No more posts! stickies on computers across America.......from posters with the most experience to offer!

I need to call my friend in the Windy City...
My "jinxed" Blue Jays play there in June.

Write it down 3604
Mom...You've got to be kidding?

Let me understand...You are leaving the site because someone has criticized your son?

If I would do that, I'd have jumped off of buildings.

Why not just feel good about the fact that he's in college and playing baseball?

john petrulis

There is an old Lithuanian adage: What goes around comes around. It will happen to Mr. Meanposter, too.

I will PM you later. But for now, I want everyone to know that I am MAD AS H-E-L-L AND NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE! Chalk up another win for the MORONS!! DAMMIT!!

Those with the most to offer here are leaving in droves. It is AMAZING to me that we're allowing the bullies to take over this remarkable site. I am sick about this.

BTW, Beenthere, you missed TPM's point about her reason for leaving. I know who the "MR. POSTER" is to whom she refers. He is not just "someone (who) has criticized (her) son." I have caught some of the venom he has spewed her way (and toward others) before his posts were deleted (perhaps even by himself), and have been appalled! Quite frankly, this person is a NUTCASE who is in serious need of help. He has THREATENED her family! And he has a son who is in professional baseball, one who has MADE it to the level everyone dreams about here, and yet he continues to post only GARBAGE about others. He should be the MOST quiet and grateful and humble of all...yet he persists, almost psychotically, in his tirades about others and their kids! Major LOON!

To all out there who feel the need to come on this site with an agenda OTHER than that for which it was created, GO FIND ANOTHER PLAYGROUND!! THIS FIELD IS TAKEN! Mad Mad Mad
Last edited by PAmom
Okay, call me stupid but would somebody PM me and let me know who "Mr. Poster" is?

And Tiger Paw Mom, while I understand the frustration, I live in a small town where there are no secrets, and rumors sometimes run amok. My advice, to friends and clients, is simply keep on keeping on, and the nonsense will wear itself out.

My wife once went to a basketball game with our pastor, when I had a schedule conflict. He was a nice looking man with a neatly trimmed beard. By the middle of the next week, I was asked (really) if it was true that my wife and I had separated, with her getting custody and the house, and me living in an apartment near my office. All this from somebody seeing my wife next to a nice looking gentleman at a basketball game.

Didn't lose a friend, client, kids, or wife. Rumors and nonsense die quickly in the face of reality.

Hang around.

We've talked on the side about issues and your understanding about baseball players and the associated parenting issues are bigger than garbage that is thrown your way. Please reconsider, this is a win in his book and he is not deserving. I'm confident this site with its posters and moderators are behind you 100%. When you are gone he will aim at others. It would not be considered rude to "drop a name" real and screen, so others can see this person for who he is.

Your sons career will flourish for all the reasons we've talked about.

In WI there is little violence, why, because we are all well armed. It may seem like a poor analogy, but if everyone plays on the same field within the rules you would be surprised how fast the spineless slither away.
Last edited by rz1
I, too, have been privvy to the personal assaults this man has inflicted upon TPM and her son...I am also fully aware that this man resides in the same state as I do and am greatly embarrassed that he feels compelled to attempt to destroy a child and his reputation at his school....I am not computer savvy but there must be some way that this psycho can be thwarted in his pursuit of this family...any websters have any good ideas....B, while I do understand your desire to protect you and yours, I think by giving into this fool is giving him exactly what he desires...control...and to Mr R ( yes I do know who you are)....this is not a huge BB community here in Boston and the surrounding areas...may I suggest that you cease your attempts to harrass this family
TPM - You are one of my favorite posters...I really have enjoyed the PMs we have exchanged as our sons go through some parallel experiences. I hope you continue to stay in touch.

I am so sorry that you have endured this. I didn't catch who/what was said, but reading your description, I completely understand your decision. When someone goes after your son, well, it unfortunately may be the time to move on (at least for a little while). I've actually experienced a little bit of the same thing...but not to this magnitude. So I get it!

I do hope you come back at some point and I hope the rest of us are still here when you do. Seems like this has become a bit of a shooting gallery, and we are the targets. So sad, so very sad! Frown
TPM-frist of all, THANK YOU for all your very educational and very helpful info you give to us and me.I understand why you would like to leave. you WILL be missed.and now that MR. POSTER has gotten his way with you, i really hope that he's happy that he has scared a women away from this great site, and now why doesn't he try to do it with some of the guys on this site, and lets see how far he will MR. POSTER here is your open INVITATION, start with me frist, lets see how far you will get.with keeping with baseball, lets see just what kind of BALLS you really have.STEP UP TO THE PLATE.

Take a well deserved break, but be sure to chant the following mantra - "there are more folks on the hsbaseballweb who are with me 100% than there are against me - many, many more. And it is their opinions that matter to me, not the hateful ones.".

There is strenth in numbers.

Then when it is all over, come back - your posts are important.
Hirrel 13 - I'm with you - I got your back.

TPM, I along with many others will back you up 100%.

My sons dream is to play for Clemson or (sorry) Ga Tech. Your posts have always brought a dose of reality that hits home with me.

I can't give you more then one solid reason why you should continue on this sight except you are needed by folks like me and my son.

You are a blessing and I wager that your son is an exceptional young man. If he is off to a tough start I'm willing to send words of encouragement or even brownies (chocolate cures everything).

Don't let the bad guys win!!!
TPM, how sad that this has happened to you. I have learned a lot from your posts and our private conversations as well. Your son is among the top college freshman pitchers in the nation, playing against some of the best competition, and if he is having some ups and downs at the moment, of course you know it will all work out in time. Such a very talented young man. I hope you won't feel a need to stay away from this board, but you do what you need to for your family. You have many friends here who of course will still be able to stay in touch with you.
What can I add but this, "Don't let what you can't do keep you from doing what you can." -John Wooden. (darn phat phingers)

TPM There are other ways to communicate here without having to deal with folks that are just plain mean. Feel free to converse with me any time. Big Grin My Mom taught me early that, a cup of tea with a wise woman is gold in your pocket.

From all the response around here sounds like you would fit a chair in my wifes tea room nicely.
Last edited by HotCornerDad
No! No! No!
Don't let him win. You are so helpful to so many people here. Don't let him run you off. I can completely understand you wanting to remove yourself in order to protect your son, but I agree with Chill.
Consider the source.

And I'll say this to "Mr. Poster"
Your emails have been shared with many people. YOU are on notice, not to mention, a scumbag, you jealous loser. worm
Get over yourself, and better yet, get on with your life. Quit living in the past. If your son can cut it, good for him. He chose one path, others chose another. Deal with it. duel
As a posting member, I'm new here as well. I stumbled onto this web-site some while ago and did a lot of reading before I joined to ask a few "gnawing" questions. Before the "conclusion" of the first thread I started, two members had lauded me for raising good topics and one member even sent me a PM out of concern that I was distressed because my son "didn't measure up" to certain "standards" mentioned on this site.

I'm simply not eloquent enough to express how thankful I am to these kind and helpful people. I've learned a lot here including, I hope, some tips on being a better parent. I hate that someone as obviously responsive, informative and caring as TPM has, apparently, been driven from this site.

Tension among the members is one thing (I've noticed a little of that here), zealous advocacy of one's point of view is something else (I've noticed a lot of that here), but THREATS may be legally actionable...and, if that has occurred, I respectfully suggest that TPM, or any victim, pursue the matter and that they begin by contacting their local police.
Well, I am really new here. Actually just signed up today. From what I am reading, there is a poster who has a son in the minor leagues and a son in the big leagues...correct me if I'm wrong. Now this guy comes on here and rips peoples kids apart and threatens them? I tell you what, this guy is a coward who in the end will only hurt himself. If his sons were to find out about this, you think they would continue a relationship with this guy? I doubt it! If they do, it will be a severely altered relationship. There is no need for people to quit posting because some insecure father is trying to ruin it for everyone. Let him continue his rants and laugh it off. He seriously has some issues that go further then just jealousy and this is his only source to make himself feel better. My wife always says the best way to beat someone like this is to "kill them with kindness", and it does work! TPM if you do leave, I wish you and your son the best and I am sorry I never really got the chance to get to know about you and your sons involvement in baseball.
Since few months ago I am a little far from be the regular poster I was before. The main reason is that today there are more posters with good knowledge than my self and now I and more a reader than a writer. But other reason is that now, I don't know why, is not that funny any more. But I never will retire from be a poster here, because HSBASEBALLWEB is part of my self, and all the posters that form this site are like family members to me even if I don't know most of them. I don't know who MR POSTER is, but he got it be very happy if good people is living this site because his stupidity. May be his big enemy it is HSBASEBALLWEB and not any particular poster. So, please TPM, don't leave, stay and fight with us for this place that had cost lot of time and sacrifice to Bob and others.
TPM, it's not time for you to leave. It's time for the rest of us to just ignore the ones who would make you think of leaving. I for one have been very appreciative of your responses and thoughts. I don't post often but there are times that I just have to voice my thoughts. Stay and I continue to follow the Tigers site and look for your sons accomplishments.

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