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College coaches do not go scouting classrooms for great students then try and see if they can play baseball. They scout talent first. Then they check and see if the grades and character measure up. "Hey that kid is very smart and he is a great kid. Lets see if he can play baseball." No it doesnt work that way. "Hey that kid can play. Now lets check on his grades and make some calls about him as a person."

You can continue your career past hs without good grades. All you really need is a HS diploma or a GED. You can not if you do not have talent. Regardless of how good your grades are.

Dont get me wrong I believe in getting a great education and working your butt off in the classroom. But those are the facts.

Talent = Interest = Checking on grades = Checking Make up = offer

Without the talent we never get to the other phases of the game.
Coach May ...I agree that talent gets the ball rolling but when a coach sees 10 kids with the same talent level IMO the other 2 factors are what gets you there. And with all the athletic training going on it's getting harder for kids to get ahead on skills alone. I'm still a believer in putting in the time on academics and character.

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