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It was a very close game, ending in the botom of six with a Wakeland runner on third. Lee pitched well, but the umpire was horribly inconsistent. Lee would put a ball on the outside corner at the batters knees and it would be called a ball followed by the next pitch in the exact same spot being called a strike, went the same way for wakeland's pitcher although I do feel like his strikezone was a tad more lenient than the one the umpire was giving Lee. Have any of yall noticed umpires becoming tougher on higher profile kids? Is it possible they arent trained to or cannot see the ball when a pitcher is throwing that hard?(FWIW I have no dog in ths fight, just attending to scout a few kids). Lee was consistently 90 to 93 in the first 3 innings. I think Wakeland and McKinney will finish in the top 3 if not top 2 in this district.
I guess we all have our own view. I thought the umpire was as consistent as could be expected given the consistency of pitches. Rhythm is as important for umpires as it is for players. He had a rather large zone from what I could tell, but then again it comes down to perception.

Oh, and I have no kids playing HS baseball any longer. You won't see all of my posts related to one school or particular players for that one school.

My .02
I'm curious to know how the game went last night. Was Lee tough?

It was a great game and well played by both teams. Lee did not seem to have as good control as normal but his velocity was very good. Gave up three hits, one of them was an infield hit. Wakeland pitcher also pitched well and defense played well behind both pitchers.

In the 6th inning McKinney 4 hole hitter had a sacrifice bunt to move the winning run into scoring position. (You don't see that every day)

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