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Just heard that a high school senior has decommitted to the D1 he verballed to back in the fall and has signed with a D2. The D1 had told him in the fall that they were out of athletic money and invited him to walk on with the assurance that they would give him money for his sophomore year. Supposedly, he's a very good student and was getting some academic scholarships from the D1, but I guess that wasn't enough.

In the past, D1's could offer a nominal amount of athletic money -- books, 5%, 10% -- and lock in a recruit's commitment by having him sign an NLI. Now, if D1's are unwilling or unable to offer the minimum 25%, they risk having their recruited walk-ons decommit if they get a better offer elsewhere.

It'll be interesting to see how many of these types of players end up going somewhere different from where they originally planned.
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And with all this I think we all will see the trickle-down affect starting now. D2's will begin to hold out for these type of D1's, which means the protypical D2 recruit might start looking at NAIA, D3, or even JUCO when not being courted. Of course there are different scenarios where jilted D1 players walk away or quit after a year or 2, but it's certainly going to be interesting, isn't it?
. will all settle out...and may be some some value to the changes...but it would appear that there will certainly be some challenges/chaos for the next two years...and a great many players moving around the system...gonna see some interesting scholarship "cuts" at DI I fear...AND they will have to sit a year before they can play unless they drop..

I would say thanks if I were that player, the change may have been difficult, but the school was up front and early...gave him time to adjust..there will be many other kids who will get the same news...only in the fall when it is much harder to adjust/adapt...

Cool 44
I agree that everyone will have to adjust and they will, but…

Would it have been that difficult to make an exception for the player who loses his scholarship in order to fit into the new system? Especially if he can no longer afford to stay at that college without the scholarship.

It just isn’t right that a player can lose his scholarship and then get further punished by not being able to transfer without losing a year. It kind of forces that player out of DI baseball based on someone other than his own decision.

The way it is now… The player gets the double whammy! He gets to hear… We no longer want you here! Followed by… Because we don’t want you… You will be penalized if you want to transfer to another DI college. Is it that difficult to see the problem here? Where is the consideration for the student/athlete?

IMO, everyone should adapt to the new rules and also make the necessary adjustments when something seems extremely unfair… those adjustments need to be strongly considered by all, including the NCAA.
Originally posted by PGStaff:

....It just isn’t right that a player can lose his scholarship and then get further punished by not being able to transfer without losing a year. It kind of forces that player out of DI baseball based on someone other than his own decision.

The way it is now… The player gets the double whammy! He gets to hear… We no longer want you here! Followed by… Because we don’t want you… You will be penalized if you want to transfer to another DI college. Is it that difficult to see the problem here? Where is the consideration for the student/athlete?

IMO, everyone should adapt to the new rules and also make the necessary adjustments when something seems extremely unfair… those adjustments need to be strongly considered by all, including the NCAA.

Truer words have not been spoken...why should young man get cut...AND PENALIZED...

Again, a lack of foresight on the part of the NCAA..

Granted, it is a competitve may lose your "Job", but penalites should NOT be a part of the mix...

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
Why in the world would the NCAA penalize a young man for trying to get his education along with continuing his life long dream of playing D1 baseball by requiring him to sit.

I know we have been over this a ton of times on this site, but I still haven't heard the rationale behind this insane decision. The compromise seems pretty simple.

You want to transfer of your own free will ie lack of playing time, closer to home, coach sit.
You get cut by the program that recruited you after one year and tells you they no longer want you, you transfer penalty free.

I would be curious to know how someone on the board who made this decision would feel if it were them or their son that were being penalized.

Some of stated the it will take a couple of years to settle down and eventually everyone will adjust.
My question is- How will you adjust to being penalized? If my sons scholly were to be yanked after his sophmore year, then he had to sit out his junior year even though there was another school who was interested, I don't think he would adjust. You have lost a very important year through no fault of your own.
Last edited by Danny Boydston

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