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Hope you all will indulge me, as this is not baseball related (although we are working on a baseball-specific 'show' for the future)....

I am the founder and President of Coach of the Airwaves, a global internet radio station featuring Life and Business Coaches 'live'. Coaches are trained to help others clear their paths, fix their goals, and develop winning strategies to achieve their dreams (you can see how this will apply nicely to a future baseball-oriented program).

Our first coach is going 'live' tonight at 10pm Eastern, if anyone's interested in tuning in.
You can catch the live stream on our website at
(if you tune in early, you will be hearing a pre-recorded file)

If you're intrigued enough to call in, you can do so via the info provided on this particular host's bio-page here:

Thanks all.

"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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Krak...dadgummit...what's this talk about Eastern time? I thought I had it reasonably straightened away in my head. Now your tossing in some balderdash about Eastern.

I thought the time, if that's what you call it way over there, was always divvied up between the North and the South. The North's Kim Jung Il with his Mean & Lean time vs. the South's Roh Moo Hyun and his Fun in the Sun time.

I can understand the Lean & Mean in the North, but does the South get so much sunshine that they actually name their time after it? I could accept something like Having Some Amount of Fun Under Overcast Skies While Dressed Head to Toe in Rain Gear. I know how it whole childhood was almost entirely spent that way on the coast of Oregon. The only difference was that we didn't bother with the rain gear...too cumbersome.

I don't know what it is with you and time Krak. Next you'll be telling us to reset our watches and decoder rings to adjust for Daylight Craving Time or some other confusing time related concept.

Perhaps this perplexing time situation could be the focus of one of your upcoming shows? I know there is at least one guy over here who could really benefit from learning a thing or two about the time on the other side of that curiously bent line known as the International House of Pancakes Line..."please wait to be seated".

By the way...if I can figure out the time thing I'll be listening! Congratulations on putting it together.
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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