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Like everyone else, I am excited that Chicago has a shot at hosting the 2016 Olympics. How great that would be!! Olympics in our home state would be awesome. The only part that is really scary is that Chicago and Chicago politics will be at all involved with this. Personally, I think that it will be a financial disaster for the city of Chicago and the residents of the state of Illinois. The $150 million emergency fund will be eaten up in no time at all with all of the bid rigging, cronyism and payments for work that was never done. It is sad to say that but you can almost guarantee this will happen.

I just hope that the politicians can get us a truckload discount on industrial size barrels of KY jelly because I know that we, the residents of Illinois, are going to have to bend over and pay for it for a long time. I would love for me to be wrong on this but I have lived in Illinois and around Chicago to long to know that it will not happen.
Olympic rules requires that no public money is used to finance things specific to the Olympics. Costs of expanding the airports or roads might be absorbed by taxpayers but as for the stadium, village and other venues that is all built with private money. Every Olypics held since 1980 has made money.

I did see that McCormick place is hosting a number of events including the media center, can't wait for some French jounalist to try and plug in his computer without the union electrician doing it for him.
Perhaps you are correct but here is an article that I found that says the public funds will indeed be involved in the olympics. March 16, 2007

Part of Chicago's Olympic plan calls for the Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, a government entity, to transfer up to $125 million from the sale of public assets to the Olympic construction effort. The arrangement means public funds would be put toward an Olympics that Daley promised would not cost taxpayers any money.

Like I said, none of us will get off easy if Chicago gets the Olympics.
Hopper...Wow...and I thought I was cynical.

Yours is the worst post I've seen in a long, long, time.

I lived in Chicago for 40 years and in suburbia for another 12.

Not any more or less politics in Chicago than elsewhere.

Look at what Blago is doing to this state. That is a SIN.


Congrats to Patrick Ryan and Mayor Daley for putting together a team that has gotten this far in the process.

Hope they can pull it off in 2009.

"Not any more or less politics in Chicago than elsewhere"

I certainly hope that you are enjoying your stay in LaLa Land, they say the food is quite delicious there and that the people are rather friendly.

Sorry, I guess that it would indeed be quite unusual if politics or any of the things that I mentioned would come into play if we get the olympics. I apologize for my comments.
I think that an Olympics held in Chicago would be tremendous for the people and the city as a whole.

I wonder if some of the naysayers who've been saying this is a terrible idea because of the threat of terroism aren't some of the same people that place same *** marriage above homeland security. Hopperhop is worried about the local political angle when, IMO, the reality is that choosing a final winner will be all about global politics and that country's ability to provide security for the athletes and the spectators. My bet is on the USA, as long as the funding for homeland security isn't squashed by the Nancy Pelosi posse.

I just jumped off my soapbox. Let's play ball!
Last edited by itsrosy
as long as the funding for homeland security isn't squashed by the Nancy Pelosi posse.

Rosy...Good post until you got personal with Nancy. She's done more for our foreign policy in 4 days than Condi has done in 6 years!

99% of the money spent for homeland security is wasted money. We have some local police who purchased ATV's with their money. Not a single terrorist in the world is interested in this little hillbilly town!
My campus and baseball field is right across the street from Washington Park where they want to hold a lot of the events... the area definitely needs some work but the Olympics could completely revitalize the South Side (at the taxpayers expense as many have said). Too bad I will be way out of school by then...would have had a front row seat!

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