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Not sure how this will be taken, but given our recent "conflicts" on this site...well, I was in a training class at work yesterday and this list was presented by the leader and it seemed kind of relevant. I sure know I can partake in some of these actions at times on here (and elsewhere). Some of these are a little less relevant to our discussions...but many are not. Something to ponder, nothing more.

If this post offends you, please don't read any further. Wink

Ways to Increase Conflict

* Blaming
* Ignoring
* Sarcasm
* Mind Reading
* Exploding
* Projection
* Selective Listening
* Thinking about next response
* Table turning
* Avoidance
* Reassurance (i.e. "Gee, you're the greatest...just hang onto that.")
* "You" statements (as opposed to "I" statements which imply self-accountability)
* Getting historical and/or hysterical
* Handing out solutions or advice
* Saying "Uh-huh"
* Lack of accountability
* Interrupting (yes, you can do that in cyberspace figuratively anyways)
* Sharing how others have it worse
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This site would be pretty boring without some conflict. I’m not blaming you but sometimes I think you just ignore what I’m saying which causes me to get sarcastic. Then you try to read my mind on how I feel and I just explode. Someone else comes in and starts to project what might happen but you just selectively listen to the answer because you’re thinking about your next response. So I turn the tables on you and avoid the question by reassuring you that you’re the greatest. You’ve done it to yourself and it’s always been that way. This board historically has been a hotbed for conflict so I freak out and start handing out solutions and advice. You’re only response is ‘uh-huh’ because you lack accountability. (Please don’t interrupt me, I’m on a roll). But you know, most people have it a lot worse than us….. Smile
I am not smart enough to understand what all that stuff means. So I made up my own list for the mentally challenged like myself.

#1- Being a smart ***
#2- Being an expert on every single frickin thread
#3- Using your experiences as a way to justify to others why they are wrong if they dont do it like you did.
#4- Trying to convince other posters that you know everything about the game just because your son was born with talent.
#5- Treating other posters like second class citizens just because you have been around here longer than they have.
#6- Having an answer for everyone on everything and then trying to convince them they are wrong just because they disagree with you.
#7- Constantly using your son as an example for every situation that comes up on the board and then getting upset when someone doesnt agree with you.
#8- Getting upset when someone comes on here and is excited about something their kid did , when you use to do the same thing when he was in the same posistion.
#9- Everytime a thread on bad coaches pops up your the first to give one of your horror stories.
#10- Everytime a thread on bad players parents pops up your the first to defend the parents and turn it into a thread about bad coaches.

There are many more.

We are all products of our own life experiences. But everyones experiences are different. And some have a lot more experiences than others. Both good and bad. But we all have an opinion. I may be right because my experiences tell me I am right. But that does not mean you are wrong. Because your experiences in that same situation may be totally different and in your situation you may be right as well. So just because it worked this way or that way for you , does not mean its suppose to or should work that way for me. I am not sure if that makes any sense to anyone else or not. But it works for me.
Coach May,
The rest of us were just having fun with this one, which I think justbaseball intended when he put the smiley face in his post, and trying to get back to some constructive conflict.

Why so negative?

BTW, You left out #11 and #12. Just switch parents and coaches in #9 and #10 and you've got #11 and #12.

See I told you I was going to explode. Smile

Oh, and don't forget #13 people who think they are better than everyone else and put together a list of what is wrong with everyone else.

Everyone is guilty of some of those things and I certainly recognize myself in some of those. The problem is you've probably just attacked 99.9% of the people on here with that list.
Last edited by CADad
Now thats funny.

#1- Guilty
#2- Guilty at times. But then the ladies forum opened up.
#3- Guilty at times. Still working on it.
#4- Not Guilty
#5- Dang it. Sometimes. But I stopped when I got a pm one day.
#6- See #5
#7- Not Guilty
#8- Actually I love to hear about what other peoples kids are doing. I use to post on my son but once he got hit with the HSBBW jinx I stopped. But if you want to test it by all means do.
#9- I have to admit I have a conflict on this one.
#10-See #10

Those are all the names I have for you Bighit 15. Sorry you have to figure out who else meets the requirements. lol

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