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Aren't apologies part of the healing process both for those that make mistakes and those that have been hurt?

I understand the purpose of this post is to think before you act, but that is not what most people do. Many mistakes are made on one time misjudgements.

I know that if I do something wrong to hurt someone, not intentionally or even intentionally and realize that I have done something wrong, I would ask for forgiveness for those I care about. Those people don't have to forgive me, but at least I know that I have made an attempt on my part to right the ship for those I have hurt and myself. That shows what type of person you are. Good examples may be Bonds and Clemens, seems to me those type of guys will fight you to the death before they admit guilt, but then again here in America, you are innocent until proven guilty. What bugs me is that in a time of economic crises, the government is going to spend buckos going after those clowns. Let them live with their guilt as their punishment. I don't forgive people like that.

Yes, all people do things without thinking of the consequences and in a perfect world they should have thought before they acted, but that is not human nature 100% of the time. Some people are sick and don't know the difference between hurting others, but most people who know they did something wrong apologize. Best apology is a simple I am sorry, not giving 100 reasons why you did what you did.

It is also human nature to forgive.

Phelps said he was sorry, I am sure he is ready to move forward. Did he hurt anyone? I am sure he hurt many, not intentionally and not for his own personal gain, that's my point.

Just my opinion on the subject of apologies.
Last edited by TPM
This is my opinion (not a question): Who are any of us to truly judge what is in another person's heart, mind and soul?

People will make mistakes forever. We cannot control that. We can control the acts of compassion and understanding that lead to forgiveness.

The best we can do is hope that people learn from mistakes and strive not to repeat them.

This goes for people like Bonds, Clemens. If they are prosecuted and convicted for their alleged crimes, they should pay the price for their actions. If they then ask for forgiveness after they've paid the appropriate price, hopefully they will receive it.
Originally posted by TPM:
Aren't apologies part of the healing process both for those that make mistakes and those that have been hurt?

If the gypsy's weren't hoarding all them there would be no need for apologies. I feel that too many times celebrity apologies, or maybe all parts of society are made without looking in the mirror and apologizing to the one who needs it most.

I use Phelps as an example but it applys to anyone

IMO Phelps apology to the world was for personal gain or maybe better said to minimize the loss, if he didn't what would John Q Public think of him then ie Barry Bonds?

I doubt if anyone here can say that they've never said "sorry 'bout that" but didn't really mean it, and said it only as a courtesy. My dark side says while Phelps apologized, deep down he may have been thinking "back off, its my life and I can do with it as I please. I don't judge you, so don't judge me".

But what do I know what he's thinking.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Homerun04 - I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.

Its called "Skyline Chili" and is a local specialty in Cincinnati. Ask jerseydad...he grew up there too.

Or...check this out:

Skyline Chilli

To everyone else, I'm sorry for the intrusion.

I am sorry but that looks great. I would order some but I don't think they would travel well like frozen White Castle burgers, it would be pretty sorry when in arrives in Cali, my sorry loss! Frown Probably better for my sorry waist line!
Sorry about this, but I am accepting all of the apologies.

Justbaseball clued me in about Skyline Chili recently. I duplicated the dish with my own Chili, it came out great. Never would have thought of it.

On top of cooked spaghetti, pile on the Chili, then pile on the cheese. Enjoy!

And if you ever order it a restaurant:

The Cincinnati "Skyline" Chili Ordering Code

1-way: just the chili

2-way: chili served over spaghetti

3-way: chili, spaghetti, and grated Cheddar cheese

4-way: chili, spaghetti, cheese, and onions

5-way: chili, spaghetti, cheese, onions, and beans

All "ways" are served with oyster crackers.
Originally posted by iheartbb:
Sorry about this, but I am accepting all of the apologies.

Just baseball clued me in about Skyline Chili recently. I duplicated the dish with my own Chili, it came out great. Never would have thought of it.

On top of cooked spaghetti, pile on the Chili, then pile on the cheese. Enjoy!

And if you ever order it a restaurant:

The Cincinnati "Skyline" Chili Ordering Code

1-way: just the chili

2-way: chili served over spaghetti

3-way: chili, spaghetti, and grated Cheddar cheese

4-way: chili, spaghetti, cheese, and onions

5-way: chili, spaghetti, cheese, onions, and beans

All "ways" are served with oyster crackers.

A true connoisseur of Skyline will also include a dash of Skyline hot sauce.

TR is right, there is never a need to apologize... about Skyline Chili.
Last edited by jerseydad
Oh baby! I'm sorry I'm not having that for dinner.

I'm sorry I didn't know that about you Fungo.

And I'm just so sorry about hijacking this thread too.

Yes, jerseydad...that hot sauce is key! (Notice the hot sauce in the background...reddish looking bottle...oyster crackers in background too). And a mint is a must after this scrump-dilly-icious treat!

This, BTW, is a 4-way. Big Grin

Last edited by justbaseball
I am sorry.....truely sorry.... that most of you are not from Texas. 'Cause apparently we have ALL the answers. TX, we have the answers.
Global Warming.... call TX, we have the answers.
Roswell, NM and Area 51, NV.... call TX, we have the answers.
The Meaning of Life... call TX, we have the answers.

However, that picture above this post.... I don't have an answer for that. I don't know what the hell that is! Eek
Last edited by Glove Man
We're So Sorry Uncle Albert
We're So Sorry If We Caused You Any Pain
We're So Sorry Uncle Albert
But There's No One Left At Home
And I Believe I'm Gonna Rain

We're So Sorry But We Haven't Heard A Thing All Day
We're So Sorry Uncle Albert
But If Anything Should Happen We'll Be Sure To Give A Ring

We're So Sorry Uncle Albert
But We Haven't Done A Bloody Thing All Day
We're So Sorry Uncle Albert
But The Kettle's On The Boil And We're So Easily Called Away

I have had Skyline chilli maybe 20 times in my life. It is a pretty decent product imho. I believe I am a 4 way guy.
That's turkey and hot pastrami, the triple decker is 18 inches high and if you eat the whole thing you get the next one for free.
Believe it or not, my son was able to put away most of 16. Now at 23, no problem and probably could top it off with one of these

Last edited by TPM
Woody, that picture of the old "dept of commerce" planes got me thinking. Do federal gov't departments have their own jets today? If so, why should they if automakers/financial institutions that received TARP money are not allowed the same by the POTUS. Maybe the federal gov't should be selling off some private jets to help us out of our deficit situation. What's good for the goose...

Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
Woody, that picture of the old "dept of commerce" planes got me thinking.

Old? Those two beauts are state of the art. They're cruising at around 35,000' and if you'll notice the props aren't turning...fuel efficiency baby! They're the wave of the future! Buy Lockheed now!

And infidel...that's a sporty little model all right, but it doesn't have the one feature I really need in a single seat jet fighter...cupholder! Can you believe it...none!

Although I do like that nice white tipped option hanging on the wing...great for loosening up the toll booth at rush hour!

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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