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We have 8 major league park balls which are about 8 more than some lifelong baseball addicts. Will never forget the first one.

But that's nothing compared with former college baseball player Zach Hample's nearly 3,000 major league balls. He's written a book on the subject of snagging ML balls.

How many of you have never gotten one? Gotta story to share?
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It wasn’t my first but it was memorable. Was watching the Rome Braves play (1A) and a ball came over the net straight at me. The ball had a weird spin on it and as I was trying to catch the ball it just dived on me. Hit me square if you know what I mean.

Worst part was the stadium had a video screen and they replayed the FOUL three times in a row. I felt like running for the car, but I couldn’t even crawl.
We've gotten a few at Orioles games. Best story: Many years ago, 5 year old son was tossed a ball by Mike Mussina, before he turned Benedict Arnold and went north to the Evil Empire. I was going to write something up to save, recalling the date, details, etc., but walking past my son's room, I saw the ball with something on it. Upon closer examination, a very youthful writer had scribbled "Mike Mussina threw ball to Parker". I couldn't do any better than that.
Whew... first thought was a Wilt Chamberlain reference and this was going to have to move to the Men's Forum.

My dad became my hero when he dove and outfought several teenagers getting a foul ball at a minor league game at old Cocoa Stadium back in 1968 or 69. The Cocoa Astros were playing the West Palm Beach Expos, and I think that Barry Foote hit the ball. Those old wooden stands left several good scrape marks on my dad's torso.

My first MLB ball was a BP HR into the upper deck on the fair poll at Memorial Stadium in Baltimore, before an O's vs A's playoff game in 1974. Palmer vs Vida Blue. It was cool catching it on the fly, and even cooler getting a great hand from the fans there early.
I have never personally caught a ball at the ball park. My brother is an expert and has buckets full from going to Yankee Stadium for batting practice....

My son is the wonderboy when it comes to balls.....
He has gotten balls at:
Tropicana Park
Dolphin Stadium
Dodgers Stadium
Pac Bell
Angel Stadium
Oakland Coliseum
Citizen Bank Park
Commerce Bank Park

In fact he got 5 balls in Philly in one game... he would have had 6, but when he was chasing down the foul pop behind the back stop, he grabbed this ball. When he looked up there was this little girl, maybe 5 years old looking him in the eye. He had just beaten her to the ball. He looked into her eyes and then handed her the ball.... I am very proud of that boy!
I only have one and reading hokie's post I laughed because mine is somewhat related. I was at Yankee Stadium and they were playing the Orioles. It was the game when they had "The Brawl". I was with a client sitting back behind home plate right about at the edge of the screen. Tino Martinez hit a foul to my right which went through several outreached arms, hit the back of a chair, bounced away from the foul ball frenzy and rolled literally to my feet. I merely leaned over and picked it up. The crowd was going crazy for me to Show The Ball but I was embarrased ....but relented to a loud cheer.

Another time at Yankee Stadium, we were in the upper deck, front row, behind home plate, 1st base side. From that perspective, foul balls were funny to watch because instead of watching them drop, it's more like you're watching them come up. One came relatively close so I went for it but a little girl got to it first (no WAY was I taking it from her). Then when I realized just how close I was to the railing and how easy it would be to trip, loose my balance and fall over.....let's just say I became a foul ball spectator for the rest of the day.

Another chance I had was at a local minor league game. My wife and I had to leave the game early and we were walking out the "concourse" behind the stadium when somebody apparently fouled a ball off and it dropped about 10 feet in front of us. I went to get it and just then a kid and his dad came scrambling for it, right as I was picking it up. The poor kid looked so bummed out so I gave it to him.
Ameriquest Field in Arlington in 2002 with my youngest (then 7 years old). Sitting in the left field bleachers just outside the foul pole. A-Rod hammered a shot that hit he foul pole for a home run vs. Oakland and landed back into the field of play. Left fielder that day was Jeremy Giambi. He picked it up and threw it into stands towards the guy next to me.

I had to have it for my son, so I stepped in front of him and snagged it (I had my ball glove because my son made me). The guy was mad, but I didn't care...I had me an A-Rod HR ball. Big Grin
Of course being me, I can't say I have any. But I sat on the 3rd row above the visitors (Diamondbacks) dugout in Atlanta in 2006 and got some great pictures of the players posing and waving like they knew me! I guess you could say I was borderline stalker. haha Oh, and the best part was my girlfriend and I made the jumbotron doing the chicken dance!
I've never got one that was actually a foul ball but my dad got one back at Fulton Co Stadium back in 85. Pascual Perez was the hitter. I remember that well. Tim Raines led off with a HR and Dale Murphy was caught stealing at third to end the game. What a bonehead play for a pro like him. We have gotten several more in BP or warmups. We flew out to SanFran to watch the Pirates and Giants and as soon as we were walking to our seats Barry Bonds hit a ball that bounced off the warning track and I got that one. The next day my dad got one when as some of the pitchers were warming up in the OF someone airmailed a ball and it hit my dad in the stomach. We were on the railing and his hat fell off and Denny Neagle picked it up and put it on over his. My dad showed Denny the welt on his gut and he gave him a ball at that point. We went to Memorial Stadium in Baltimore in either 88 or 89 and the were playing the Blue Jays when they had Dave Stieb who was an SIU alum. I wore my SIU shirt and got a ball from him. It worked on Steve Finley also since he was an ex-Saluki too.
The ONLY ball that I have personally gotten MYSELF was at Veterans Stadium and it was a foul ball that was pitched by Curt Schilling. I swear...despite how fast I was running, the kids I knocked over, the different directions I went, and the chair I ultimately hid under....that ball STILL found me. It was like a scud missile! Smile
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Hample points out that there is a hierarchy of "value" in major league balls. A home run that one catches or at least snags on the bounce in the outfield is most desired. He admits that very few of his 3,000 were collected that way.

Lower down the list are balls thrown out to fans from the bull pen or in batting practice... balls that were never in an actual game. He has utter disdain for competitors who collect minor league and even college balls Smile

No question that little kids have a huge advantage. Hample carries two ball caps to each game so he can appear to be a fan of whichever team is tossing out balls at the moment.

Is it my imagination that balls are more plentiful than years ago? What a wonderful marketing device for a team. We must have told 500 people the first time we got one.
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Our family has two stories....

My oldest son was attending a Royals game with his grandfather, sitting in LF outfield seats. Vernon Wells hit his 100th homerun and my son caught it bare-handed in the air. My son is a pitcher and this occured 8 days before he was to travel from KC to Calif. to the Area Code games. When he called home to tell us about the catch, the first thing I asked was, "Did you hurt your hand?" ( idiot, the biggest baseball event of your life is in 8 days). Of course, he caught the ball in his non-throwing hand. It was red and swollen, but worth it. A few minutes later a rep from the Blue Jays came to my son and requested the ball for Mr. Wells since it was his 100th HR. My son willingly turned it over and Mr. Wells sent up a ball with team autographs. We pondered whether the ball could have been of value. My son replied that he didn't care. It was Mr. Wells' moment and he was glad to give the ball back.
BTW...we set the VCR for the evening news after my son called and, sure enough, his catch was recorded...complete with the contrast of my son elevating to snag the ball and grandpa ducking behind the seats in the opposite direction!

Our other story involves our daughter. Several years ago, she was dragged along to her little brother's birthday party, again at a Royals game. She brought a book and didn't even glance at the game. We were sitting right beside the Royals' bullpen and ten little boys pestered those pitchers for balls all night. No luck, just ushers telling them to sit down and get away from the wall. As the game ended, the boys sadly watched the players leave. A crew member in the bullpen pointed at my daughter, who couldn't wait to go home, and threw her a ball. Did I mention she's blonde and was pretty cute, by 13-year-old standards? Well, she got a ball, much to the birthday party's dismay. She really shocked us when she showed us the ball...which was complete with the crew member's email address and phone number! He had to be about 25-years-old and he threw this to my 13-year-old daughter! She loves that story!
On October 14, 2003 I had some great seats at Wrigley for a Cub/Marlins playoff game. In the 8th inning a foul ball was hit down the LF line and I was within a whisker of getting my first game ball until Moises Alou interferred with me. I called for it, it was in the stands , people on each side of me were going for it also, but they still blame me for the Cubbies championship woes.

Steve Bartman
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Not my first but my best was a game at SBC Park (the name in those days) where we had seats in the first row next to the Giants bullpen. Andrew Jones hit a screaming line drive which I did a backhanded short hop off the rolled up tarp (Yes I always bring my glove to the game).

I figured that would be worth a moment on the local TV broadcast - but no... next pitch Andrew fouls off again and two guys diving for it, one pulls the other guys pants down revealing his boxers... guess which got all the air time!!!
Well, officially the Bullwinkle has never caught a foul ball at a MLB ballpark, but I have gotten one out of pride and balance….

(Mrs. Bullwinkle says pity and whining)….

Anyway, Bullwinkle had ditched work and brought Bullwinkle Jr. to his first MLB game…I’m guessing he was about 13 months old. (Old enough to start the learning the game, but not old enough to be potty trained) It was a hot afternoon in the Oakland Coliseum; the A’s were playing the Angels it was about the 4th inning. Bullwinkle Jr. already having learned the infield fly rule and the difference between a suicide squeeze and a safety squeeze, needed a diaper change……of course this was pointed out to me by a woman sitting a row down wind from us. So, we took leave of the game, to do the manly duty of the diaper dance…As Bullwinkle Jr. being my first born child of my loins; I had very little training with this foul obligation without Mrs. Bullwinkle around to point the way. So, what is a Moose to do? I find a group of women who have previously pinched the cheeks of Bullwinkle Jr., look totally hopeless and they take over. With that job passed on, I head to the beer concessions and order a cool one to cheer my wisdom and acting abilities. The women appear from out of the bathroom with a clean and rather joyful Bullwinkle Jr. I thank them as they pass Jr. back to me for more baseball strategy lessons. With the beer in my right hand and Bullwinkle Jr. in my left, we head back to our seats.

As I turn the corner, I hear a crack of a bat, and the see the ball headed in our direction. What is a Winkle to do? I must protect Jr. I must protect the $7.00 Bud. So in an act that will go down in the annals of baseball history, I extend my left arm with Jr. out from danger, and I extend my right arm with Bud out of danger, and expose my chest to deflect the line dive. The ball hits me with a thud, and winds up in a lap of a 50 year old A’s fan.

Bullwinkle Jr. safe….
Not one drop of beer spilled….

The 50 year old A’s fan stands, hands Bullwinkle Jr. the ball and says to me, “You have made mankind proud, go and be fruitful.”

As I sit down and enjoy my Bud and the company of my son, I know that life is good and although my right rib hurts like h*ll, there is no way I’m going to rub it out.
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My once little guy and his dad have been to many minor league games, living here in FL, one of the perks, years ago we had more stadiums closer to us than we do at this time. Plus our ML Marlins.
Accumulated from those days is a bucket of balls in his closet, hit or touched (not signed) by the likes of players such as David Justice, Greg Maddux, Cal Ripkin, John Smoltz, Jeff Conine, etc. to name a few. He claims he knows which ball is which to this day, but I just don't "SEE" it. Eek
Great question!
When my son was 4, we went to a Cardinals game in early April. Typical weather, misty, cold. Our seats were front row in the right field foul territory. We watched Eli Marrero throw long toss from right field foul line to home- on a line! After many throws, he picks up his gear to head to the dugout. TS jr is in a bright yellow winter coat, I tell him to stand up and wave to Eli. Marrero looks over, nods his head to me and flips a ball to me, which I transfer to my son's hands as I catch it.
That night after we were asleep, my wife wakes up when she hears a thud from my son's room. I told her not to worry, I would explain in the morning. My son had slept with it, and it had rolled out.
That is where it all started....
I have gotten 3 balls from pro games in my lifetime. I volunteered catching bullpens for an independent team a few summers back. Bullpen rule was you couldn't move when a foul ball came down the line unless it was coming at your face. I took one in the late innings in the leg off of one bounce. Usually we'd flip foul balls into the seats for the little kids. This time I flipped a bullpen ball to the kids and kept the ball that left a nasty bruise on my calf.

Later, referencing my notes from working with a pro team and having to deal with kids and giving them foul balls, I got one at a single A game. A bunch of people were begging the left fielder for the ball down at the fence. I just stood patiently with a smile on my face and my hand in the air about 10 feet behind everybody else, and sure enough the guy flipped the ball to me.

The first foul ball that I've ever touched, though, came back when I was 6. My dad took me to White Sox game at Comisky Park (yes, the old building, the year before it was torn down). In fact, it was the first game that we went to that it was just me and him. We were using the last of the season ticket package my grandpa had before he died, and my dad took me and my brothers each to a game with just him. Anyhow, for the first time I could remember we went early to watch batting practice. I just happy to be down next to the field watching my favorite player, Ozzie Guillen, taking ground balls. As the Sox were leaving the field after BP my dad somehow got a ball from one of the players. I was pumped up, but really disappointed that the players had all gone into the clubhouse and I wouldn't get an autograph, until none other than Ozzie Guillen appeared. He came over, signed the ball, and made me the happiest little kid in the world.

Well, that was until sometime in the middle of the game. I had pestered my dad to let me see the ball the entire game. When he finally agreed with the caution to be careful, I couldn't contain the excitement. I took the ball, and like most little kids, wanted to play with it. Well, I did play with it. I started acting like I was throwing it, when suddenly, my little 6 year old fingers lost their grip and the ball went flying. Well, not flying, but falling out of my fingers onto the ground, then rolling, row by row, down towards the field. We went and looked for it, but it was gone forever.

After that, I don't think I would ever want another ball from a major league game. It stinks to have lost that ball, but it's a story that I will always remember because it was the first time my dad took just me to a game, and it was the first time I'd been to a game without my grandpa. And when I think about that, I think about how much my grandpa loved the game and loved to take me to them, and how I've grown to love the game because of that.

My dad still gets a little upset when that story comes up...
i'm not sure this counts? but we were at home run derby in fenway 99.front row seats where it juts out kind of facing home plate. me my wife and our two boy's. both boys had gloves.i'm sitting in my seat talking as usual.mark mcquire hits a bouncing ground ball right at us.both kids are leaning over the railing WITH GLOVES.they both duck and the ball hits me right in the forehead and bounces about 5 rows back. i guess i caught my first foul ball ,and a pretty good bump.but i didn't get the ball.

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