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Saw a story today that blew me away.

Deceased member of our armed forces was returned home on a commercial jetliner. His casket was loaded upon a baggage carrier from the airplane and driven to an awaiting van for pick up. Can you imagine, this man gave his life and this was how he was returned home to the US.

There are almost 3000K of our men and women who have died in Iraq.

I feel no reason to be obsessive over anything that concerns my kids right now. As far as baseball, think about this one next time your son goes 0 for 4 or your pitcher goofs and result is a grand slam.

I see a lot of anxiety in many posts regarding our sons playing baseball. Whether it be the draft, recruiting, not making varsity or the high profile travel tream, not being a starter, not making area code or PG national or not washing his sheets weekly, just thank your lucky stars he's healthy and HERE with you.

God bless our troops and Happy Holidays to all!
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So many of us often dwell on things that are of very little significance in the scheme of things. If we have our health and are fortunate to have people we love who love us in return, we are so awesomely blessed. Always good to hear a reminder!

Side note... my son's good HS friend that's in the marines gets to come home for a leave this Sunday! We can't wait to help welcome him home!! God bless all of our troops and their families!!
Yesterday I heard a radio report of a 19 year old soldier, driving in a van in which a grenade had been thrown, who had thrown himself on it thereby saving the others in the van..........I think it was in 2004 and he was nominated for a Congressional Medal of Honor.....I can't recall the specifics because I was overcome with grief............

God bless him and his family and those who knew this extraordinary young man....

I have a 19 year old son ............and he is coming home from college today to spend the Christmas season with us.......
And I think about all those families whose sons and daughters or mommies and daddies will never come home...........

And I am overcome with grief.

God bless them and their families.........

And God bless all who have served so that my family can celebrate whatever we want...........whenever we want........however we want...........

And God bless those of you who have loved ones who are missing them...........

You are all in my thoughts and prayers......

To just say "Thank you" doesn't seem enough.............but Thank you..........
Last edited by play baseball
Hero's are all to often those brave souls who do not get to come home to the applause and praise of a grateful nation. They are not paid outrageous sums of money to play a kids game, they do not complain about the daily drudgery of their existence and they do not seek the attention of a fickle public. What they do everyday is pick up the tools of their trade, whether it be a textbook, a load of laundry, a toolbelt or a rifle, and serve those they love and cherish. When asked by a child, a wife, a husband or a friend they are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, whatever that is at the time. These are the heros, pray for each and every one of them this holiday season and thank one when you get the chance. It is more recognition than they will want but do it anyway, it will be appreciated.
We are all lucky, and for that I am grateful.

Here is another girl to put in your prayers: Yesterday a local girl, whose family I know and whose brother plays minor league baseball, was hit by a car whil waiting to cross the street on the campus of the University of Michigan, where she is a student. Apparently the car's driver lost consciousness and jumped the curb. It is a scary situation. The student is in the hospital in a coma and prayers are needed.

This photo and baseball gifted son, supplied by a temporarily high tech challenged AcademyDad...

Sometimes baseball, our Armed Forces (Air Force Academy Baseball), respect, and a very, very proud father (Academy Dad) all come together in one big picture of things we are thankful for....

Glad to be a part of this post...thanks AD!

Cool 44
My heart goes out for all those who have fallen, my praise goes to all those who have returned, and my respect goes to all those who participated. Many fail to realize that every death is a death for democracy and what we stand for. When one soilder dies part of everyone of us is affected, everyday. The ironic part is that almost to a man, they would do it again.

On this site we talk of committment, leadership, competitveness, winning, losing, lessons learned, training, focus, and the list goes on. Bottom line our kids are now playing a game with those tools, and our brave soilders are playing for their loves.
Last edited by rz1
Thanks for your post lafmom. Most know I have a son that plays professional baseball. What some don’t know is I also have a son that is a professional soldier in Iraq. Both are passionate about what they are doing. Both have given up what I consider a normal life to do what they are doing. Both are unsure of their future. I am as proud of one as I am of the other. Why do they do it? Sometime I get this dumb idea and think that I might have said something that factored into their decision to do what they are doing. Not so. They are doing it because THEY chose to do so. I had a great day with my baseball son yesterday as we spent the day duck hunting and just enjoying life. While I did have a great day with my youngest son, I know it is people like my oldest son that makes those days possible. Yesterday between the flights of ducks my mind thought of my oldest son and of his last email he sent me from Iraq a few weeks ago ……

I have been sent out for an assault on a few cities. I will be out of pocket for about 2 1/2 months. I will get in touch when I can.

Praying for all of our service men and women, and especially for Fungo's son and all the other family members of our HSBBWeb family. Also for the injured young woman grateful told us about.

* * * Those who have posted here and those who have not, please also add your thoughts to the other thread TPM started to THANK OUR TROOPS and send our Holiday Greeting Card wishes of support: * * *

Some wonderful posts in this thread - please don't hesitate to repeat your post (the exact same words would be fine), in the Holiday Greeting Card thread.

Last edited by MN-Mom

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