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I was fortunate enough to find this awesome community at the beginning of son's sophomore year, just when it was time to start thinking about how to approach the whole "how to get a chance to play college baseball" challenge. Kiddo is an undersized player who, fortunately, has a tremendous work ethic both on the field and in the classroom. Posters on this website guided him to the "must-attend" events for academic-minded ballplayers, such as Headfirst, Stanford Camp, AZ Fall Classics, etc, as well as to PG showcases and WWBA tournaments, which helped him to figure out what level of baseball to target. The combination of all of these things led to a very nice list of options, and this morning, he committed to Stanford, which has been his dream school since he was 8 years old.

On the way, he had the opportunity to get to know some incredible coaches and grow up a LOT as he navigated the recruiting process.

Special thanks go to all those who provided incredibly valuable input about their own kids' experiences as well as those posters who are going through the process right now, who helped me see that my daily doses of anxiety were ok. An extra-special thank you goes to Fenwaysouth who has been a lifeline throughout the process and who has been extraordinarily generous with his time and thoughtful, insightful advice over the last couple of years. I am also in awe that Jerry (PGStaff) would take time out of his busy day to respond to each and every (sometimes pretty dumb) question I asked him via PM and am extremely grateful for the role PG had in getting son in front of the right coaches.

Finally, I would love to "pay it forward", so if you have any questions about the process, especially if your son is on the higher academic end, I would love to help so just PM me. I won't pretend to be an expert, but I have spent an OBSCENE amount of time researching both baseball recruiting and college academics.

Thanks again and GO CARDINAL!!!!
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Congratulations to Blue10 (and son) on this fantastic accomplishment.

I love these types of posts...this is a shining example that I think beautifully illustrates what this site is all about. While the HSBBW might hit a few bumps now and then, its posts like these that keep me coming back years after my son has been out of high school. Most don’t appreciate what a treasure this place is until after the process is over.

Congrats again to Blue10, what a wonderful day this must be for you and your family… also congrats to all those that helped Blue10 and his son along the way!

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