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For a pitcher, how important/beneficial is it for a player to do the upperbody workouts that are found on a multi-angle weight bench? A picture can be found here at of the bench. Do pitchers need to do these kind of workouts? Because I am considering getting one of these for my basement. BTW, I don't know if this matters much but I am 5'11, 162 lbs and a freshman in high school..
"If you think you can, or you think you can't, your right."
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igball, do you or your son have any training in the lifts that Jon recommended? If not I would suggest getting a hold of Jon and checking out his cd that demonstrate these lifts or hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to get you started on the proper form and technique. Jon has a tremendous program but at the same time these lifts could hurt you if you do not know what you are doing. We also have used the unbreakable abs and really like the program as well. Good Luck
Yes, exercises are the same for the most part. A squat/power rack, as upstate suggested, is a great training tool and I suggest one as well.

As 2bagger suggested you certainly need to learn correct technique in weight training. While it's not rocket science, most do seem to mess it up. Once you have a few basic movement patterns down your son will be able to advance rapidly.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance.
Last edited by Jon Doyle
Sorry I havent checked this for awhile...
as for my weight training experiences, I would consider myself a beginner. I go to the gym 4 times a week and do all kinds of whole body workouts. The only problem is is that I don't do some of the good exercises like powercleans and snatches b/c I dont know the technique. However, I have gained 12 lbs. since I started lifting consistently this fall.
Shortstop, find a teacher or coach who can teach you these lifts......

As for power racks, a lot of times you can find them really cheap on Ebay. People are always getting rid of their old racks. I actually picked one up for free from my local college that was renovating their weight room. I painted it and it's just like new. If you can't find a used one, I find that ProMaxima sells quality equipment for really inexpensive prices. I order a lot of stuff for our school thru them.

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