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I have a son that is 16 is now starting to work out more and more. We were at the gym yesterday and someone asked me why he was wearing a weightlifting belt. He said new studies say that the lower back muscles won't develop using the belt and that he should only us it when lifting heavy weights. We squat, hang clean, push press and do stiff legged dead lifts. I don't know, I just don't feel comfortable not using a belt for these lifts. Was this person correct? Any advice would help.
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Yes he was correct. No, don't wear the belt. Olympic lifters and power lifters don't even wear weight belts--except when they near competition weights--because they need to develop core strength. Which of course, so does your son.

First, aim to improve his stability in his shoulders, torso, and hips in his workouts. As he gains strength, his core will become solid enough to handle heavier weights and more-complex exercises without a weight belt.

I think of it as if I am doing exercise "A", I tighten my abs (as if being punched in the stomach) throughout the range of motion of the exercise - to give my body support - the support a belt would be for....

make sense?
Last edited by Diablo con Huevos

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