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I was cut. After all of my hard work this offseason. I was told im a good ball player. But I was cut... Coach said I hit well, But have a slower ball transfer time then other kids.( And that im a step behind the other players) Im really dissapointed in my self. I just have to work even harder now next year. In a good 365 days from now I should know what team im playing for.

Im just so upset I let my self down and all the people who were supporing me down as well. I was stunned not to see my name on the list.

All I can ask is
Whats next?

And when will this horrible feeling go away?
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I'm really sorry to hear this news. It must be a really tough day for you...

Remember that baseball is a game played in many places - find another team to play on for now - work on the things that the coach identified as your weaknesses - play a lot of ball this summer and next fall and go get them again next year. Also, and I know this hurts, go out to the high school games and support your classmates. Watch to see what they are doing and see how you can incorporate their techniques into your game.

The other thing to remember is to make sure that this doesn't impact the other aspects of your life. You were cut as a baseball player - you can still excel in other aspects of your life.

Last edited by 08Dad
I guarantee you at least one player on the team will be resting on their accomplishment of making the team. Work hard and catch one next year. Find the most competitive level you can compete this summer. Find some kind of training program to increase your physical skills. Hopefully you're still growing.

How do you feel about being a team manager or scorekeeper to be around the team. It will take swallowing some pride. Ask the coach if you can help out and work out with the team. No matter what, be 100% supportive of the team.
Young man, no way did you let ANYONE down!!!

The only way you could have let anyone down including yourself would be to say something like "I am afraid of getting cut, therefore I will not even tryout" People who think like that have already lost.

All tryouts involve risk. I have not gotten every job I have interviewed for in my life but that never stopped me from trying for the next one. Magical doors will open up for you if you never give up. These doors may not lead to your pre-conceived notion of where they ought to lead (i.e., spot on the baseball team) but if you keep knocking they will nonetheless open up for you and often times in a direction you could not have predicted beforehand.

I have all the respect in the world for what you have attempted. It is ok to feel bad for a day or so. The hurt will always go away when you pick yourself back up and set your path toward your next goal. Watch American IDOL next week on Weds. You'll see someone else who will have to face the same pains as you are now and I'll bet they won't let their defeat stop them from going for their dreams. Life involves risk which sometimes goes against everyone of us. You will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams if you keep trying at everything you like to do.
Originally posted by Mains3:
I was cut. After all of my hard work this offseason. I was told im a good ball player. But I was cut... Coach said I hit well, But have a slower ball transfer time then other kids.( And that im a step behind the other players) Im really dissapointed in my self. I just have to work even harder now next year. In a good 365 days from now I should know what team im playing for.

Im just so upset I let my self down and all the people who were supporing me down as well. I was stunned not to see my name on the list.

All I can ask is
Whats next?

And when will this horrible feeling go away?

This horrible feeling will become your friend. It will motivate you, it will take you places and it won't let you give up. Stay mad and get after it!
Your situation reminded me of a current senior varsity baseball player. He was cut after his freshmen year. He was devastated; however he was determined to make the team as a Junior. He worked on his baseball as well as his academics. He went to every high school game. He took lessons when he could and played when he could. He kept a positive attitude and tried out during his Junior year. He became the starting JV catcher. His fellow players respected his work ethic as did the coach. He is now the starting senior catcher on varsity with colleges looking at him. Read the previous posts-they know what they are speaking of. Good luck and believe in yourself. There are doors that may open because of this.

I feel bad for you. Ask the coach, in a nice way, if there's anyway you can be involved.

I've read many of the posts you've written here. Here's all I can tell you. At your age you have accomplished something much more important than many of the most talented players in the country. You have become a real good and caring person. It is obvious when reading all your comments.

If you love baseball keep plugging away and maybe you will be rewarded. If you don't become the player you want to be, always remember that baseball needs as many good people as they can possibly find. Keep studying the game, if you can't become one of the best players, there's nothing to stop you from becoming the most knowledgable.

Someday you might end up being the coach and when that happens you will be one that really cares. Any and all experiences can end up being positive learning experiences.

It bothers me when young kids like you, who love the game, get cut. Where is Westford? Is there anywhere that you can continue to play?

Just don't give up and you won't have those horrible feelings for long. I do think you should try to talk to the coach about how you can be involved. He might just understand.

Unfortunately, our business revolves around the most talented kids, but tell you what, in real life I'd take one real good kid like you over 10 super talented kids who are jerks. I'm not alone!
Don't give up! You know you put the time in at the gym but started on the baseball skills pretty late. You now know how to train and can do that on your own from now on. Focus now on the baseball skills. You are working with exceptional coaches and they will make you better. Play in the spring rec league to keep developing yoru skills.

You worked your butt off and you have nothing to be ashamed of. The varsity players know how hard you worked and so does the coach. The suggestions to come out and support the team are good ones.

P.S. Only you'll understand this point-- 20-0 buys a lot of good will and another chance. Some of those guys will not make the jump to the next level and there might be more spots open than you think. Also, there is a very large senior class graduating...

I'm really bummed out about this too, but if it's something you really want then it's worth continuing to work for it.
Last edited by Holden Caulfield
I can't add anything to the good suggestions you've already gotten. What I can say is how impressed I am that there are no excuses or blame placed on anyone in your post. Keep playing, keep getting instruction, find a way to stay involved with the program if you can, try again next season and best of luck. Use the way you feel right now as even more motivation to do everything you can to get ready for next year.
Sorry to hear MAINS. Offer to webcast the games. Offer to do the announcing at the games. You can be a bat-boy, do stats or something.

In the meantime ask if you can practice with the team. I know of some hs coaches who have agreed to this. They were used as pitching dummies. The pitchers need a live body at the plate. They will even allow you to wear a helmet....just kidding. But anyway, keep your chin up!
Last edited by switchitter
Originally posted by Mains3:
I was cut. After all of my hard work this offseason. I was told im a good ball player. But I was cut... Coach said I hit well, But have a slower ball transfer time then other kids.( And that im a step behind the other players) Im really dissapointed in my self. I just have to work even harder now next year. In a good 365 days from now I should know what team im playing for.

Im just so upset I let my self down and all the people who were supporing me down as well. I was stunned not to see my name on the list.

All I can ask is
Whats next?

And when will this horrible feeling go away?

I feel for you Mains. My son moped around the house for the last week after he was cut. Didn't even want to go to school the next day. It will get easier in time. You will go from disappointed, upset and lost to mad soon enough. Once you get mad, I bet you'll be back out on the field busting your tail to get better.

Keep in mind, there are always a few kids that are the best the are ever going to be right now. They won't get better. You can get better and pass them.
Originally posted by Mains3:
I agree Nitric.

You know It was tough today. And I honestly just like broke down several times today thinking about it.

I hope it passes quickley. Im so upset now.

Hang in there, bud. You have an excellent attitude in a tough situation. In the game of life I would want a kid like you on my team every time.
Last edited by stanwood

For every kid who DID make a high school team this week, there's a kid of similar caliber who DID NOT make his high school team. You see, every high school is different, every high school division level is different, & every state is different. What might be a ringer to one high school is a dud to another. You may have been able to make the team on hundreds of other high schools across the nation, but it doesn't work that way and I know you know that too. It's just the way it is, and I can tell that you love the game very much. Don't give up or throw in the towel....keep trying and trying and make sure it's at your hardest level and then nobody can EVER tell you that you didn't give it your all. Nobody can take that away from you, ever!
Last edited by switchitter
Yeah you know Im not going to give in. Im working my *** off this year even more to make varsity next year.

I know I started pretty late on my skills and will definitly work on that much earlier.

You havent heard the last of me thats for sure.

Hey kid. Just to let you know I am going to have my 10 yr old read this. I can only hope that my son (and all ball players for that matter) have this mindset no matter what their talent level. There's this other playing field called life, and right now it sounds as if you are already an all star.
I am really sorry that you did not make the team.

Pity party over. Now move forward on concentrating on conditioning, finding a summer team to play on and concentrate on your schoolwork.

You must always look for the positive, not dwell on the past and be negative.

You can do it, you got the taste of being so close, that should make you want it more, that's what it is all about. The game is about failure and success, picking yourself up after the failure and finding success.

Now go out and get it done for next year.
Last edited by TPM

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