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Just had to share that my son (2007 INF/C/P) recently made his decision and brought, what he hopes is only the latest portion of his baseball journey to a close by committing to UNC-Asheville.

I have to say that at times it was fun, exciting, and sometimes exasperating or even depressing. The practices, games, and travels were always an adventure that the family enjoyed. The serious injury to his throwing hand and family illness was the depressing part. As a parent you wanted to make it all better but couldn't - he had to handle it himself and I believe he grew up a lot in the process. The recruiting was emotionally all over the board with the highs and lows. First early interest; then quiet; then came offers from several JCs, DIIIs, DIIs and DIs. Several came from the list of five schools we had put on our early wish list (based on academics, location, local community, and baseball, oh and of course cost). Then, after his second visit (it's only a couple of hours from our home) to UNC-A my son was all beaming and said it just felt right - the school, the coaches, the whole package. Seeing him smile the way he did made the time, expense and effort all worth while.

The toughest & maybe saddest part was telling the other coaches. Many of these guys were great through the recruiting process and gracious at the finish and I would have been very proud and I would have liked for my son to have played for any number of them.

In closing, I may not post a lot but I'm always lurking and reading and I want to say that the people & information on this board made the trip a lot easier to make. Easier to plan the journey, easier to make the decisions, and easier to take the ups and downs when you saw that others were going through or had been through many of the same things.

Thanks to all,
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Originally posted by Michael'sDad:
to UNC-Asheville.

The recruiting was emotionally all over the board with the highs and lows. . . felt right - the school, the coaches, the whole package. Seeing him smile the way he did made the time, expense and effort all worth while.

The toughest & maybe saddest part was telling the other coaches. Many of these guys were great through the recruiting process and gracious at the finish and I would have been very proud and I would have liked for my son to have played for any number of them.

. . . always lurking and reading and I want to say that the people & information on this board made the trip a lot easier to make. Easier to plan the journey, easier to make the decisions, and easier to take the ups and downs when you saw that others were going through or had been through many of the same things.

Thanks to all,

Amen whole-heartedly!

I don't know how I would have traveled this road without all the help and advice from this site.
Thanks to everyone!!!

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