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Did anyone of you just see and hear what went on in the dugout in the NY IL game? If you didnt the NY team made a nice def play and came into the dugout. The coach is gathering his players together to get them ready to hit in the bottom of the 6th and one of the kids yells (One "FN" run!) The coach realizes (I assume) that the mic is on and everyone in America can hear what the kid just said (I believe I saw him smack the kid in the head). Did I see this? Did you?
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This is exactly the kind of thing that makes me refuse to watch the LLWS on TV.

I'd be happy to watch it if it were played near me...but the TV has to go. Crying kids, professional critiques of swings/pitching mechanics, coaches trying to allow runs on purpose and now this.

Its nothing horrendous, but the kids are too young and the coaches too inexperienced to handle this situation.

BTW, who gets all the money generated from this? Certainly not the LL in my town. Certainly not the umpires or coaches. But who?
no-E - I'm with already posted, with the exception of the occassional Dante Bichette, most of these coaches are just regular guys that are not prepared to handle the pressure, the scrutiny and the national/international expsoure and mdeia coverage. Why put that on a guy that is volunteering his time and losing money by not working and now we put him in a situation where he could potentially embarras himself or his kids. Show some highlights, report the scores and let the kids do their thing.
Trash the mic's but keep the tv. For every reason I can make to get the tube out of the house I can make one for keeping it in the house. In this case I think you have to remind the Little Leaguers what it is they are striving for. The LLWS experience cannot be explained it has to be viewed.
I heard it, and thought to myself, "did that kid just say that?" Oh goodness, what coach allows that, anyway? If I'd been the coach, that kid would be sitting on the bench. I didn't really see him, the coach, smack the kid in the face. It looked more like a hard tap on the head. Reminding the kid that there are mics in the dugout.

I agree that the coach shouldn't have touched the kid. Maybe a stern talking to and a new place on the bench would have done fine. But, it's the heat of the moment and things happen.

Yep, take LLWS off of the tube and replace it with Connie Mack or Babe Ruth. Real baseball please. And didn't the ESPN female analyst slip up and say, while interviewing the Saudi's 6 footer's mom, something like "your 16 yr old"? And then she "corrected" herself and said 13 year old.
I have to say I enjoy the LL World Series on TV, warts and all. As for the language and other dugout antics, sure, in a perfect world it would not happen, but as anyone who has been in a dugout knows, that stuff is relatively common. And if anyone things it would not be a LOT worse at the Connie Mack World Series, they have not been around Connie Mack much.
I love the Little League World Series. Mostly because it is on TV. In fact, any time there is baseball being played on TV it is good because it's promoting the game.

It doesn't matter if there are better 12 year olds not playing. This is the biggest event a 12 year old could possibly play in. I do think they go over board a bit with the entire production end of things. After all, these are very young kids.

The one gripe I have is the size and maturity difference. Saudi Arabia has a kid that weighs 226 lbs and another with hair on his chin who is 6'3" tall. Neither of these two is even close to the biggest player on the team. That kid is 6'8"/260 with size 19 shoes.

My question is... is it safe to have a little 4 foot tall, 80 pounder, pitching to someone the size of a big NFL Tight End and with an aluminum bat in his hands. Seems like there could be some ugly television viewing if this big kid hit one just right, up the middle.

For that matter, how many adults would stand 40 feet away from that kid and throw BP without an L-Screen?
Son played in the LL World Series in 2000 and won the National Championship but lost to Venezuala for world. Great experience for him and his parents. I was worried about them miking our say the least he could really let loose some flowery language sometimes. Last night hearing the lovely language come across the coaches mike I asked my son about how they handled it. He told me coach told us not to stand to close to him because he had on a mike and the parents would hear all of the comments. My son said that not one player got close to coach when they were in the dug out. When the coach really wanted to let loose he said he put his hand over the mike ad the announcers would say...well I guess we are having mike problems right now
I to am happy about the promotion of the game, but ESPN has made a farce of the production.
That kind of language would have been reserved for me when they asked to put a mike on me.
The dugout is a sanctuary for both coaches and players, and what goes on in there should stay in there.

Tell me that someone else heard this incredible ESPN Promotion.
Info-Babe with mic say that the Missouri team had just heard that severe weather had gone thru their town and maybe tornado's. She said they were scurrying for more info.
Then, She really says, "If they had the ESPN Mobile phone, they may have already had that info".
Fire her *** right now.
Terrible time to promote when folks are going thru a terrible time.
Next she'll probably get her own show.
Keep the media out of the dugout. Period.
They dont belong there.

I was really glad to hear about what the Red Sox organization did last night.

During the rain delay - Bonnie Bernstein of ESPN decided to seek refuge inside the dugout. She had a million places to go - but she chose the dugout.

As soon as the rain delay was lifted - they asked her to get out.

Get out - and stay out.

Same for LL - get out and stay out. IMO.
Will posted: So what do you do. Have a height weight rule?

Will, they have had a weight rule for decades in Pop Warner football. If there was ever an argument for one in baseball this is it. The kid needs to go play hoops and move to NYC and become a legend and get off the Little League field before he puts some kid in a trauma ward. I would have my pitcher walk him every time he came up.

Last edited by Dad04
I gotta go with Dad04 on this one. A 12,13 year old pitcher just doesn't have the experience or reflexes an older pitcher has if the ball comes at them with deadly force, let alone deadly force from a ball hit by a player that size.
This was a big discussion with sports talk radio today, and supposedly going to be addressed after this year's LLWS.
Last edited by TPM
Well Im watching the MO OR LL game and here we go again but even worse. Kid is struggling in the third inning bases loaded after a walk and the coach goes out for a mound visit. As he approaches the pitcher he says "He's squeezing the S*** out of you". He asks the pitcher how he is feeling and he says Im tired. The coach then leaves him in the game. Then the coach tells the assistant this is his last inning. Then the kid gets out of the jam and when he gets to the dugout the coach asks him again how hes doing. The kid says fine. The coach then says I thought you said you were tired. The kid then says I am but I can go another inning. The coach then says fine. People Im sorry but this is the worst example of a coach I have seen in a long long time. This stuff is getting outrageous. NO regard whatsoever for the well being of the 12 year olds health at all. We got to win this game boys. At all costs.
Coach May, I saw the same thing and agree with you. That coach is an idiot.

On the Saudi Arabia player, i totally disagree with you about not letting him play because of his size. Maybe it is because i was one of the ones that was not allowed to play pop warner football many years ago due to my size.

What's next, this kid swings too hard so he cannot bat. Everyone is concerned about his size but many of the other players have much better skills and could be more dangerous at the plate.
Originally posted by ASU RAM FAN:
Coach May, I saw the same thing and agree with you. That coach is an idiot.

On the Saudi Arabia player, i totally disagree with you about not letting him play because of his size. Maybe it is because i was one of the ones that was not allowed to play pop warner football many years ago due to my size.

What's next, this kid swings too hard so he cannot bat. Everyone is concerned about his size but many of the other players have much better skills and could be more dangerous at the plate.

As a mom of a pitcher, mine would be walking him everytime as well. Also as a mom of a pitcher, mine would NOT be throwing curveballs.
Big Grin

Things are changing on every level of baseball, our kids are not the same anymore, they are BIGGER, FASTER, BETTER than we were as kids. Sometimes when that happens, adjustments have to be made to protect what we know is harmful for them and the game.
Both the coach and player were wrong in their actions. I agree that they should consider removing the microphones from the LLWS. What I don't agree with is having size determine the level of play instead of age. The Saudi Arabian kid is 6-8, but he's not that good. I know he is obviously physically developed, but he is yet to develop coordination. He struggles at the plate and at times is no where near the ball. I understand it would be scary to pitch to him because of his size, but there are plenty of kids in the tournament it would be scary to face. What about the average 5-7 kid who is physically developed and coordinated. Sort of like that kid on Georgia, the one who throws in the low 80's. He's also a rediculous hitter. One team walked him 4 straight times. He had something like 5 HR's in his last 7 AB's, something rediculous like that. And even when he gets out he hits the ball hard. I'd much rather face the kid that's 6-8 and not coordinated then the kid that's 5-7 and is.

I really like the direction this is is template to begin the process...

We take the lead of Pop Warner....

(older/lighter) 5-6-7
N/A 35-75 lbs

(older/lighter) 7-8-9
N/A 45-90 lbs

(older/lighter) 8-9-10
11* 55-100 lbs
55-80 lbs

(older/lighter) 9-10-11
12* 70-115 lbs
70-95 lbs

(older/lighter) 10-11-12
13* 80-130 lbs
80-110 lbs

(older/lighter) 11-12-13-14
15* 95-150 lbs
95-130 lbs

(older/lighter) 12-13-14
15* 115-165 lbs
115-145 lbs

(older/lighter) 12-13-14-15
N/A 160+ lbs

(older/lighter) 13-14-15
16* 130-175 lbs
130-160 lbs

Then we factor in additional:

Bat speed,
Pitching velocity (specific speed gun to be determined),
SPARQ scores,
gentic potential,
60 times,
as additional startifications.

Also feel that each player should be randomly tested every few weeks for improvement "outside the Mean". Rapid improvement could be a bad thing.

I also do not see why my kid should have to compete with a player nearly a year older. I suggest 3 month increments. Example: Jan-March birthdays only.

That should fix things.

Cool 44

Originally posted by observer44:
I also do not see why my kid should have to compete with a player nearly a year older. I suggest 3 month increments. Example: Jan-March birthdays only.

That should fix things.

Cool 44

That's not a bad idea really, but there is a hitch...what to do with that dreaded leap year? It's a real bugaboo when competition is concerned! No way around it I'm afraid.
Originally posted by nd943:
I'd rather throw batting practice to the Saudi Arabian kid than some other kid that hits the ball harder.

I agree,,, Also if he is like many 12/13 yr olds who are growing his coordination may not be the best. He may be the one in danger when he tries to field the ball....

I sure hope he remembers to slide at the plate,,,I think theres a few catchers who might break for the dugout before he rounds third!!!
Last edited by Novice Dad

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