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Hey Futurecatcher27,
It's nice that the 2 of you have a good relationship. In our house the 3 (1 boy, 2 girls) could fight like cats and dogs. Now that the son is off to college for the first time, I think they may actually start to like and appreciate each other a bit more. It sounds like the two of you are close and that is something to treasure!

How far away is she? How often will you get to see her?
Keep reading at the HSBBW, may find comfort knowing that others are going through the very same thing. Whats the ol saying? Misery loves company. Go over to the ladies only page and you'll find LOTS of moms who are sending their kids off to school this week,...they will probably have some words of wisedom to make ya feel better! If they dont,..I know they have Great food they are willing to share!!! tee-hee!!!

When my oldest left last year to go off to college my wife and I cried. Her a whole lot more than me but both of us were sad. When he came home this summer we were glad. But we were elated when his butt went back to school a couple of weeks ago! You will miss your sister and you will adapt. You will be glad when she comes home but trust me even happier when she goes back. Good luck future catcher.
Futurecather27 - what an amazing opportunity for her and you. Golfing aside, the history, landscaping etc. is awesome. You have got to do everything in your power to go!

And as shortstop mom said over in the ladies corner we are dealing with alot of that right now. You can visit us over there anytime if you need to.

Coach May - I keep telling myself I'll adapt, but it's gonna take a while.

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