Shoot,..lots of
nose beak dives at 200,..but best so far is: 284.6
I am driven to beat TPMom!!!!!
Oh yeahhh babah,...its on!!! Ha!
Yeahhhh 292.9,...feel the heat babah!!!
Woops,..missed....( musta' been a curved penguin! )
305.8,....gettin closer,........
Yahoooooieeee!!! ( light the fireworks pppppeople!!! ) Shortstopmom just hit
** 323.5 **
Whoaaaa Nelly!!!!! It was sweeeet and beautiful!!!
Wheres my crown?? Dont I get some kind of tiarra?????
Frank F,...hand it over, ( admittingly only by a sliver, but hey, stats are stats!!!! ), brotha friend!!!!
Whoop whoop,..ohhhh yeah!!! Air pushups being done in the computer room!!!
( pant,..pant,...wheeez,..wheeez ,...gasp gasping for air,...perhaps too much obnoxious celebrating,....better sit down,..)
Play some more or get a life? Play some more, or get a life???
My brain feels fuzzy!