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Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
I hit one out 320.9!

Slow day at work. Wink

My best thus far 319! You're killing the ball today.

I should have played more instead of looking out the window (student teacher) watching all of the rain, ice, sleet fall. We are supposed to have 6-8 inches of snow before tonight is over. I'll get plenty of practice tomorrow!
Outstanding Tpm. I remember last winter spending an embarrassing ammount of time with this game and topped at 321.4. Todays best is 320.3. The bad swings remind me too much of my golf game - low screaming ducks or skied popups. At least these go straight.
CoachB - good luck with the snow. We're hearing 6-10 inches up here with 35-45 mph gusts and they're saying the heavier stuff will be in central & southern Il.
Shoot,..lots of nose beak dives at 200,..but best so far is: 284.6

I am driven to beat TPMom!!!!!
Oh yeahhh babah,...its on!!! Ha!

Yeahhhh 292.9,...feel the heat babah!!!

Woops,..missed....( musta' been a curved penguin! )

305.8,....gettin closer,........
Yahoooooieeee!!! ( light the fireworks pppppeople!!! ) Shortstopmom just hit
** 323.5 **
Whoaaaa Nelly!!!!! It was sweeeet and beautiful!!!
Wheres my crown?? Dont I get some kind of tiarra?????
Frank F,...hand it over, ( admittingly only by a sliver, but hey, stats are stats!!!! ), brotha friend!!!!
Whoop whoop,..ohhhh yeah!!! Air pushups being done in the computer room!!!

( pant,..pant,...wheeez,..wheeez ,...gasp gasping for air,...perhaps too much obnoxious celebrating,....better sit down,..)

Play some more or get a life? Play some more, or get a life???
My brain feels fuzzy!
Last edited by shortstopmom

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