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I posted this as a side note in the Illinois Forum but wanted to put it here as well. One of the young ladies (16 years old) that plays on my daughter's summer softball team was driving home last Friday night from softball practice (Indoors) and came across a road under water. She didn't think it too bad and so she eased into it. Long story short, she was washed downstream. She had the quick thinking to lower her window because they were electric and she knew they wouldn't work if she went underwater. Her car bounced off of several trees and she knew her car was headed for where the river really was. She jumped out of her car onto a tree. She was heard screaming by a farm boy who was also out in the rain. She was rescued but suffered from hyperthermia. We're so fortunate to have her alive. Naturally her concern is that her car is gone. WOW! She lives some ways from us and I was shocked when I saw the pictures taken by the rescuers. If you needed a reason to hug your child, let this be it.

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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What a scary story, but I'm so glad to hear that she came out of it okay. She sounds very blessed to have made it.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the goals and dreams of our kids, that we forget to just be thankful that they are alive and safe. Great message ... hug your kid! (Or leave a nice message on their cell phone if they live too far away for hugs, like mine.) Smile

You are absolutely right Julie--we do get caught up in everyday life---We have a tendency to worry about things we don't have ---instead of thanking God for what we do have. I have two very close friends that have lost their children. They would give anything to be able to hear their voice or see their face again. They are a daily reminder to me how blessed I am. Never get off the phone with your children without telling them that you love them, they are our greatest accomplishment here on earth.
I think we get too caught up in looking to the next big thing. For example, here it's "all about getting to the next level" and elsewhere it's "all about finding that great job" when it needs to be about here and now some too!

So I offer this:

The past is history
The future is a mystery
Today is a gift
That's why we call it the present.

Found in a book called Fish! A Wonderful Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results
Thanks Coach, I'll take care of that hug today.

Recently had the opportunity to take my 14yo to New Orleans and spent a day working with the St. Bernard Parish project. They rebuild homes that were devastated by Katrina. It was an eye-opening experience. 2 1/2 years later and people are still struggling to get back. He came home with a greater appreciation of all he has and has commented numerous times about how blessed he is. MN-Mom hit the nail on the head when she commented on how wrapped up we can become in the little things.

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