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Wes Lee - Karns High School has been offered a Full Academic Scholarship to attend the University of Tennessee! greenjump He has also been offered a year of study abroad if he desires to take it.

I just wanted Hiwassee Vol to know how proud we all are here on the Tennessee board to have such
a smart athlete who never let his grades slide during high school while playing baseball at such a high level and making the all-district team this year. He was also one of the top 30 high school baseball players listed from Tennessee by Baseball America's prospect plus as a left handed pitcher. Wink

It has been a pleasure and alot of fun to follow the miniture Hiawassee Vol and his fellow Beavers this year! Smile

This young man has a very bright future and you never know he might be president of UT one day! Wink

clap applaude clap
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Yeah I rezmemberize when i got my full akadeemic skolarship to UT..........

One word of advisery to yong Wes .... That there one yeer studi "abroad" ain't zactly what i was thinkin' that it were ..... Of course'n i picked France for my "abroad" study locality .... i heerd that the women's was reel purdy there.

All i got was my face slapped any times that i went to studi "abroad."

Pleese warn yong Wes .... pick 'nother countree 'ceptin France!
You've still got that great Tennessee humor that we've all come to recognize in you, Fungo, HV and most all of the other Tennessee menfolk who frequent these boards. Big Grin

Come to think of it, are there ANY Tennessee women who post on the boards? Hmmmm......

HV, great news about Wes! Here's hoping for much continued success for him. applaude

You've got way too much time on your hands. Razz

Everyone else,
Thanks but as I told Bob the other day, sometimes good news can be a curse. He suddenly believes he now has enough money and is not too fired up about working this summer but after our prompt-ue conversation about his truck payment, gas, insurance and spooning money he's back to crawling out of bed and working.duel

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