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West Virginia apparently just missed the NCAA tournament this year. 


My son has actually had some contact with them.  Far away from home. So we're not sure about this, even if it were to develop into something.  They have viewed film of him and written follow up e-mails to us, and asked to see his playing schedule.  So we have our fingers crossed.  But again, it's far away from home.   The kid does say he will go anywhere in the country though. 

It's important to consider social, cultural and environmental issues when choosing a college. Morgantown is a 10.5 square mile town with a 30,000 population. You can hear the Deliverance banjos strumming in the distance. It's 75 miles from Pittsburgh. The reputation is a drunken college town. It's a major, major party school. Our high school uses WV as a safety school for all the low academic achievers. Anybody can get accepted.

RJM, ouch.   Morgantown WV is one of the top rural small towns in the Nation.

It is centrally located to major cities such as Pittsburgh, Charleston, Wash DC, Phila.


The baseball in 2014 should have received and invite as an at large team for the Regionals. (And as a bubble team, replaced by Clemson and UNC).


Baseball talent wise. WVU baseball is near the top of the book case. Some scouts say it is like Vandy in the mountains. (i.e. Vandy a city team with outstanding pitching.) Last counted, 5-6 players were drafted in 2014. To many, the academics are very good, there is an abundance of academic dollars, graduation rates are way above average, no question it is a football town  and like many small town atmospheres, everyone knows everything about you. 



Last edited by Bear

RJM - that was harsh!!!


Aren't all colleges "party schools" for those attending school to party?  College, like everything in life will be what you have been prepared for, and what you make of it.  


I know coach Matlock (pitching coach), and you couldn't find a better guy.


Great conference....anyone see how many made the Super's???... You will see at least 2, if not 3 in Omaha.  


Small town yes.....pretty special when the student body, and alumni break out in singing -  "Take me home country road".... In many cases I'll take that small town sense of pride over the big city any day.

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About 20 years ago I would say that RJM would be right in that it was just a party school but they took on a new attitude to become a good academic school.  It's obviously not Ivy League but it's no slouch anymore.  They do some really good things academically.  Also, in the past 20 years they have started upgrading a lot of their facilities - academic and athletically.  There is talk of building a new stadium but not sure where that is right now.


WVU is the pride of the entire state with a strong following Marshall University.  One thing your son better get used to hearing is this song....


I love this song and sing loudly whenever it comes on.  I didn't go to WVU but I wish I did looking back.  Economically the entire state of WV is struggling but Morgantown is thriving.  It is a small town geographically with a lot of people but it has a nice mix of old and new.  It's not that diverse in population but for the state of WV Morgantown is the place that has the most diversity.  The people are warm and friendly IF you're warm and friendly.  Lot of people get turned off by the people of WV because they have preconceived ideas of who these people are and usually start off on the wrong foot.  Hard to overcome this to be honest.  If I was you and your son I would definitely visit the campus before deciding to go there.  It can be a culture shock but it is also very close to major cities.


Football reigns supreme but if the team is successful they will support it.  It may not get the publicity like football does but they do support them.  Oliver Luck has been a great AD and wants to hire the right people.  The move to the Big 12 was a great move for the entire program nationally but it will take some time to get in those type or recruits (mainly football).  If they had stayed in the Big East they would have made the NCAA easily this year but I also don't think they would be this good if they stayed in the Big East.


Although it's like any place in the world and has it drawbacks it's an awesome school and WV is an awesome state.


The Team is coming along and gettign ready for a new ball field to play on.

One recruit a LHP Mustgrave is a local kid headed to the BIG's 8th round.

looking at the roster a lot of recruits come from out of state...??

There are only two D1 schools in the state but plenty of DII's to go around for all...

Then you have Potomac State Jr. College, but not sure if it feeds WVU recruits.


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