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Ok, I'll bite because I was and to some extent I am still the newbe:

Real Life begins at U15 / U16, find the best orgaization you can or one that plays them regularly for your son. The (in no order of coarse) DBAT, Tigers, Mustangs, Marshals,and Patriots are some of the top clubs also check the BBI web-site for teams and try-outs.

Yes, in most cases your son leaves the U14 team behind but he always seem to either play with them or against them every weekend.

Very few High School teams play together in the summer, most do in the Fall but even that is 50/50. The HS coach decides who coaches the Fall team and who is on that Fall team. Many HS coaches now have at least a working relationship with the better Summer Select programs. Also, check into Perfect Game and other noted Showcases, they work! They also open your sons (end yours)eyes to the level of competition out there and to the level of work required to play 1) varsity HS and 2) the next level of baseball.

Here is the real clue, the highest level of select baseball is usually at a higher level than what your son plays during the HS Spring season, even 5A most of the time.

It is amazing to watch and appreciate the talent that is playing the Great game at a high level at such young ages.

If your son is a freshman right now playing freshman or JV baseball and he is not already on a summer team for this summer he is already behind the rest of his class. Get busy finding a team that needs his position in June. If he an eighth grader right now really enjoy this Spring and Summer but start talking to other parents about where their sons are going to play the next season. Do the homework, make sure your son is aware of his chioces.

Good Luck and enjoy the ride.
Originally posted by threeboysdad:

Usually a parent coaches the HS team in the fall and if you are that parent, you kid will have a starting spot on the team.

I hope this is a joke because you are the parent who coaches in the fall. I love this, a high school coach is hired and fired by wins and losses and you say a kid gets a starting spot because his dad coaches the fall league team. Wow, sounds like someone's kid got beat out by the fall league coaches kid.
TC welcome to the board. You will learn tons of information here. There is a lot to take in. There is no rule with the UIL in the fall about playing for a club team. We have been playing both for a while now. It is a lot of time, work and money but we would have not traded it for a minute. What will help in a couple of years( Hold your breath here Eek) your son will be driving soon and that helps out a lot. More time to get work done to pay for it all Big Grin With your son already playing for a club team you are half way down the road. My youngest son (14) is playing on a club team also so maybe we will meet soon. I will send you a PM.
The only year I played any fall ball with my summer club team was the fall of Junior year. This was portrayed as the big time to get recruited. Practices were not given by the club team due to the games showcase nature. If you are talking about playing with high school and summer teams in the summer, that is another story.

Every coach is a little different, but you can expect that most coaches will have a summer team of some sort. Some coaches require the kids to play on the summer team, some do not. My son's coach requires the kids after their freshman year to play on the school team (they can play select also if they want). After that, they play on their select team only in the summer, unless the HS team is all they do.

Uniform costs for the HS summer team at my son's school are almost nothing, a t-shirt jersey.

Most coaches seem to require players to play on the fall HS team, unless they are playing football. Because of this, most select leagues play their games on Sundays to avoid conflict with HS teams.

Level of play and level of coaching varies from HS team to team and select team to team. Most qaulity select teams have top notch, experienced coaching, or they wouldn't survive long. I have found most HS coaches in the metroplex to be solid baseball guys, obviously with a few exceptions.

Hope this helps.
Originally posted by Texas Crude:
I'm happy to hear that real life starts next year (as if I've been living in a fantasy world).

Son is in eith grade and has been playing in one of the organizations mentioned for four years. He's been playing with the same teammates since age 11 for the most part. I'm not worried about his future PT as much as I'm worried that I'm not experienced enough to prepare him for the journey ahead. He's my oldest and I haven't been down that road yet.

If a high school coach organizes a Fall league or tourney team, are the players required to participate? Why do some coaches tell parents that it's a UIL rule that their players not participate on club teams when that's not true?

Do any of you have players that play on both their HS team and a club team? If they do, it has to be a lot of work making both teams practices, getting homework and chores done, paying for two sets of uniforms, juggling the scheduling conflicts. (real world again?)

Texas Crude,

The only way it would be a rule violation is if it fell under the duel participation rule. The only thing I tell my kids is that they can not miss any school practice or games for their select team. I think this is common sense, finish your commitment to us first then go and play all you want in the summer.

We have a fall team and a summer team. Most of my guys play on that team, but it is not required. As long as they are playing somewhere, and in theory getting better, is my main concern.
I'm assuming that dual participation would deal with coaching both school and select sports... What kind of team sanctions or individual punishment would the UIL hand down for a violation of dual participation rules?

My reason for asking is that my son's Freshman team coach also coached several of the Freshman kids last year in select, and is planning on doing it again this summer. He's young and I'm not sure he knows that he's violating UIL policy.
Here is my two cents:

Very few High School teams play together in the summer

True statement however the schools that I am aware of " pushing the kids toward playing for the school " 1) Lake Highlands 2) Duncanville under Coach R not sure of any others. To get around UIL rules someone other than the head coach is the official Coach while the HS coach sits in a lawn chair right beside the dugout making most of the decisions.

What the kid does on off days are of no concern to he HS coach and therefore they are allowed to play with their select teams on these off days. IF you are a pitcher you better be ready to throw for your HS because they do not want to here you pitched for your select team 9 innnings over the weekend and your a little sore .....

Once kids are established as starters on their HS team what I have seen is most of the HS coaches will relax the requirements.
Originally posted by Texas Crude:
I'm happy to hear that real life starts next year (as if I've been living in a fantasy world).

I think you missed my point. I wasn’t taking a shot at you or your son. Clearly, you are asking questions because you are smart enough to recognize that right now you don’t even know what you don’t know. We all started there and that is the point of this site. If you look back after a couple years of high school baseball, you may have a different perspective on my comment. In the mean time, as a new member you might take note that none of the other people who are farther down this path took exception to what I said. Perhaps they share my perspective and know exactly what I mean.
Last edited by Line Drive
Spoke to Dr Charles Breithaup recently, and he confirmed that the UIL stipulates the following:

During the summer, a coach may not coach any player eligible to play for him during his HS season, living within his HS feeder system, other than his own son. This even applies to a player who lives within his feeder zone, but goes to say, Jesuit. A player has no UIL restrictions whatsoever, in playing on HS and Select at the same time. His coach, on the other hand may have rules about playing on his team and the select team...generally to avoid overwork on the arms. Furthermore, a coach may not require a player to play on a team outside of the regular HS baseball season. (fight it with your coach, however, and see where that gets you).

Most coaches are reasonable on this point, as Funneldrill recently long as they are playing somewhere, that is a good thing.

I know this is clear to most, but for the new guys, thought it might help.

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