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Wouldn't it be great to see a Play for Peace Day from youth organiztions up through the MLB,NFL, pro s****r, golf, tennis... With all the proceeds going to feed, treat, reach out to those hungry, sick, abandoned?

Why would you get shot? Think of all of our men and women who could be home playing, coaching, or watching baseball, among all the other peaceful activites that they could be engaged in?

On second thought, after a few of the discussions here, maybe baseball isn't such a peaceful activity, afterall!

cadDAD, I started writing this before you posted. It was your son's I was thinking of!
Last edited by P&CMom
I didn't paddle one of the cats for peeing on my favorite pair of corduroy shorts that I had thrown in the's a start.

Thanks for the message seems easy enough...and you'd think everyone would want to achieve peace...permanently. But as this filmmaker isn't so easy. He's made an effort and that's very good.

Peace to you spizzle.
Good job, Sizzle. You have done one thing he asked for by bringing it up and putting it out there for discussion. He asked for anything, no matter how small. I think your post puts in in the "solution" camp and not the "problem" camp.

TripleDad said, "Rather than condemn the politics of war, he illuminates the virtues of peace.". That's the key!
Bummer. I wish I had known that it was Peace One Day Day.

I subbed in a 2nd grade classroom today and would have made a big deal about it--instead of the Autumnal Equinox (yes, I know it's officially the 22nd, but in the olden days it was generally known as the 21st...)

I promise to talk about it next week---to ask other classes what they did to promote peace....

I promise, for the remainder of the day, to try really hard not to yell at my kids. Even the big one!

I love this idea.

Last edited by play baseball

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