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Everyday 2016 in the midst of college applications and had to write an essay as many request.

I was amazed at what I read.

While the game hasn't provided him a monetary scholarship, it has provided much much more.


I have clipped a portion of it below.


When it comes to failure, it tends to be a negative topic. But I believe the way you comprehend your failure is what can make you stronger, or break you down. A person can either use failure as motivation to become better, or use it as an excuse to give up. Using failure as motivation will only show results. It will bring you much farther in life and impact you much more greatly as an individual.

      In my own life I have encountered failure multiple times throughout my baseball career. There have been times I wanted to give up because of my failure, but something inside of me told me I had to be better. Knowing not to give up has been solely through baseball


The rest is very inspirational as well


For the past year, I have questioned what other things he may enjoyed during his summer months for the past 7 years.What our family could have done together.

This essay eliminated all those questions.



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Yeah, it is nicely written, and it gives a fresh take on baseball as a college essay theme. The admissions people read the same essay a zillion times each year so whether you're writing about getting (or not getting) that big hit, or about learning the meaning of life while building houses for poor people in Mexico, you need to find a unique take on your story.


Maybe we should have a new section: a college baseball essay workshop. Nah, those things are too important for success to be based on advice from anonymous online friends.

I actually was watching a TV show the other and my son 2017 walked in and sat down. it was called "profit" or something like that. Failing business, angel investor, turmoil, rotten management...the conversation quickly led to us discuss how that show and business in general can be compared to lazy weak practice or study habits, failure to be prepared, or late to meetings and or lift, stretch, read...failure to observe in business is not a lot different then missing a sign or not knowing the game situation.


It was a great 20 minutes for me to be able to explain my world (business) and how it translates directly to his world (baseball / school) and why the same habits that make ball players smart and ready to play are the same habits I am looking to hire for my company...and he got it!! without feeling like I was lecturing him.

Originally Posted by Branson Baseball:

One of the Common App essay prompts this year was on failure.  My 2016 did his on failure in baseball (a specific incident for him).  I'm sure a lot of 2016 baseball guys are doing the "failure" essay this year!

Getting that impression.

Nonetheless I felt his true understanding of the things he has learned.

Whenever you put things in words, they take root in your mind and beliefs.

Was glad to see he chose the topic, because as you say Branson their experience in the game is relative. 

I have to say what he wrote, is truly what he has learned.

He learned to get through the disappoints of an AB, or error.

When he was young he cried, however am proud to say as he got older he never showed anger and frustration.

Would take a deep breath and sigh, accept it, and move on.

He truly did learn from it as all our boys have.

Like I said more than a game.


You don't lose when you get knocked down. You lose when you chose not to get up.


Failures are speed bumps on the road to success.


i had someone once tell me I've lived this golden life. I don't understand some people because I've never failed. I told the person I've failed plenty. But I used it as a lesson on the way to success. The people I don't understand are those who fail and give up.

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