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I am far from an expert on this, but I think you can visit the campus on your own dime anytime you wish. You just might not be able to talk to coaches unless you have arranged before hand to do so.

My son started getting fewer calls after he signed, except for an occasion “send me another transcript” type call. (His school did want to keep up with how his grades were coming along.) Toward the end as the school tried to make it to the college world series (which unfortunately they didn’t have a great year) he rarely heard from them as they became VERY busy with coaching and not so much recruiting. He did get a call after a very good game in which the team won (televised) to just keep in touch (read impress) the recruits.

So, bottom line is don’t expect a lot of contact during the spring, but it is not because they have forgotten him but more they just become busy coaching. JMO Smile
Last edited by HowUbe
Contact rules are just for recruits. My son's coach called every week and HC every month, but that is just the way they are and I suppose mainly to stay in touch as draft time rolls around.

It does matter if you are accepted or not (see below).

You can go on campus whenever with no restrictions, but they are on your time and dime.


I would say this could be the biggest thing to expect.
Even though they have signed, most have not passed admissions (unless Ed) which will come in the spring for many. Good way to lose that NLI, not qualifying.
Some think it is time to kick back as far as schoolwork goes. I saw a drop in son's grades, but he was basically done with the big stuff, his classes consisted of peer counseling, speech, and work study program.
For those who still have major classes to finish, make sure you don't let things slide.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Contact rules are just for recruits. My son's coach called every week and HC every month, but that is just the way they are and I suppose mainly to stay in touch as draft time rolls around.

It does matter if you are accepted or not (see below).

You can go on campus whenever with no restrictions, but they are on your time and dime.


I would say this could be the biggest thing to expect.
Even though they have signed, most have not passed admissions (unless Ed) which will come in the spring for many. Good way to lose that NLI, not qualifying.
Some think it is time to kick back as far as schoolwork goes. I saw a drop in son's grades, but he was basically done with the big stuff, his classes consisted of peer counseling, speech, and work study program.
For those who still have major classes to finish, make sure you don't let things slide.

Son was accepted already. Not as a ED but the School offeres Rolling admissions. So if he had decided to not sign he was not bound to that School. Our Son is taking a couple of AP classes on top of English that is his only course he needs to graduate at this point. I do not expect him to slack off now. He better not!! LOL!
The reason I asked I wondered if being accepted means more contact allowed.

Are you allowed to request a workout schedule to help keep in tip top shape and be reasy for the Fall?
Sue, I don't have a lot of time, maybe more later, but expecting continued and increased contact after the signing can often be disappointing.

College coaches are very, very busy, and after recruiting, which really never goes away, they will soon turn their attention to the upcoming spring season.

So, while they may have been calling you often while being recruited, you might not hear from them very often, or maybe even at all next spring.

But, you should feel free to contact them at anytime and visit when you would like.

The admissions office and housing office will begin to make contact to get those issues resolved. I don't think most coaches are very involved in those processes.

As far was workouts go, I think many schools send out a summer workout plan for incoming players often with encouraging words about following it.

My advice.

Follow it.

The fall workout plan will be "different".
Last edited by FormerObserver
My post for those who have not been accepted yet.

FO offers good advice, most likely you will not hear much from the coaches.

I am not familiar with working out at schools but most likely due to not being a student yet, you can't.

FOLLOW, as FO suggests, workouts given out by coaches and the training department, if you don't get one ask.
Our experience was much like FO said. Mostly generic emails from the coach.
Son was assigned an admissions advisor that contacted us regularly by phone and email.
One advantage of taking an extra year in HS was that son had already qualified for admission. One academic school in New England amde us go through admissions before making an offer. He even had his student # etc. They waived all the fees and it was non binding. When we chose another school we simply called the coach and thanked him. He took care of unenrolling him.
Like TPM, ours got a call nearly every week. Coach even came out to a game in the Spring...but that may have been because he was a potential pro guy.

Ours also had already been admitted before admissions wasn't an issue, but keeping grades up was...and yes, "senior slump" is a concern as TPM suggests.

Also, go to some games next Spring if you can. You'll see things you never noticed before.
At first I thought there would be a good amount of post-signing contact, there was some, but less than I thought. The next year I did understand that because the coach had his team to deal with and there are priorities. The funny part was that at a HS regional game, that happened to be on draft day, I had had a surprise visitor sitting next to me. That's when I knew that even though they were not talking on a weekly basis he was keeping track of what was going on.

Which brings me to the point for those who have signed and more so to those who have not signed. You never know who's watching. For those who have signed, now you have to "walk the walk", work just as hard, and lead by example. For those who have not signed, don't get down, it's just time to pick up your step and keep your dream in focus.
Last edited by rz1
As usual you all gave some good advice!

I do think I have heard of kids being admitted to schools to have the acceptance pulled later due to the "Senior Slump".

I will let Son know that the contact may very well slow down. I think he is prepared for that some. It makes perfect sense that during the Spring that would happen.

In reagrds to "You never who who's watching". That is so true. There was a game this Fall when the Coach told Son he would not be able to come to a certain game. He ended up being there. Luckily Son acted the same as always and actaully had a real good game too. But with the way some fields are you may never know who is there until someone tells you after the game.

Fo those that haven't signed signed there are still so many school's looking for good players. Some that have signed players already still need more. Good luck to all!
My sons school did go to the world series, however, they found time to speak once a week. I was actually quite surprised as I figured they would be really busy. They also found time to come to high school games in the spring and actually in the summer they attended quite a few. There are more reasons to not go into the senior slump than just being admitted. My son who had a pretty high gpa found that college is much harder than he had anticipated. I would recommend that you stay up on your academics to make the transition a bit easier. Most of the difficulty is in managing your time.

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