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the HSBBW. Just read Fungo's post about Josh and the successful laser surgery and how this site helped in the process. rz1 and justbaseball have provided me invaluable information to hopefully help my son with representation on the professional side. Arizonared is looking to find places in So. CA for her son for summer ball and Mr Moose stepped right in to assist. And URKMB was able to publicly profess her innocence...over beer consumption at Sunken Diamond.
Cannot imagine there is a better resource anywhere.
To Bob and Julie, I know you read this a lot. But this is one terrific website and your efforts benefit so many. Amazing, I would say! party

'You don't have to be a great player to play in the major leagues, you've got to be a good one every day.'

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infielddad - I couldn't agree more with your sentiments - party

The things you mention are super examples of help provided here everyday. I would also like to recognize those who help out behind the scenes as well while taking little and usually NO credit for themselves. You are one of those - a giver rather than a taker. You have been a tremendous help to me and by extension my son. I am positive I am not the only one who feels this way.

justbb - I have that addiction problem too Big Grin
I agree with ClevelandDad! You are the face of the HSBBW. I personally called upon you when my son was drafted into your son’s organization. You responded with lots of information about what my son could expect as he began his career in your son’s footsteps. TRHit was there when my son was in high school and I was looking for lots of answers. We humans naturally want to share information for the betterment of all. Granted my son and your son and every son on the HSBBW could have left everything to chance and everything COULD turn out fine. But that’s not the way intelligent beings succeed. Think back. What happened when a caveman rubbed two sticks together? He accidentally started a fire and I’m sure he yelled “FIRE”. What would have happened if he had NOT shared that information about the two sticks? We would still be eating cold cuts and staring into the night sky.
Well, before HSBBW I had infosports for the exchange of ideas. It was great for youth ball, but there was a void after we left the wRECk ranks.

As a relative youngster (06 son) in the process, the advice has been phenomenal on HSBBW. Even off the main page, I have gotten great advice from PM's, from chats, and of course, from the main discussion. I am constantly amazed at how many folks are here for the love of the game--AFTER their son's have stopped playing or moved on to pro ball. You folks have "modeled good behavior" for us to carry on the tradition. Thanks!
Congrats on successful laser eye surgery for Josh. Smile
What I have found most important on the HSBBW is advice given by PARENTS. No matter who, whether it be Bob, PG, bbscout, infielddad, OPP, TR, Fungo, everyone else included on here, no matter what profession, they give their perspective, share their stories as parents first.
I have learned more from them that anyone else coming to claim their "services" can help in the process.

It's the common bond that keeps the HSBBW a great place.
Prior to HSBBWeb…...

I would always check my mood ring prior to any decision.

If Red, I would sit in front of my sea monkeys.
If Yellow, I would put on my love beads.
If Amber, I look at my ricky tickie sticker collection.
If Blue, I would streak down the quads at lunch break.
If Black, I would pet my pet rock.
If Pink, I would listen to the Monkeys on my 8 track tape player.
If White, I would reread my EST Therapy notes.
If Bronze, I would play a game on my new Atari game system.
If Purple, I would drive my black Trans Am to the drive in to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Because of HSBBWeb the Bullwinkle has now thrown away his Mood Ring, and lives his life without worries and fads.

(Honey, where you put my red thong and LiveStrong yellow wristband?)

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