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our basketball team is lifting this whole summer and i want to keep my body in shape, eating the proper things. i really never worked out before and dont know what foods to eat. im only 134 pounds and 5'9, and id like to gain some weight to.

all help is appreciated.. just trying to get as strong as i can for the season.
Check out my 2010 Maxpreps baseball stats profile:
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congrats on a bunch of multi-hit games. Basketball is great for conditioning for a baseball player, but at 5'9 you're college chances may be greater in baseball, you know the answer to that better than we do. By posting on a baseball forum, I'm guessing you may already lean that way. Google search for workouts geared towards baseball, i.e. won't hurt your arm, and as the previous poster advised, protein. Check out the "whey protein" thread in this same forum for some lively discusion. My son has added significant weight and muscle gain just since the HS season ended with a good workout/supplement program. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!

Post these kinds of questions in the strength and conditioning forum and you will get some more information. Send me a PM with your email address and I will send you a nutrition guide for HS athletes. It is a .ppt file and is quite detailed.

My son plays both basketball and baseball and I can tell you from his experience it is difficult to gain body mass doing both sports.

Good Luck
Liver and fava beans.

Seriously, though, it's great that you're asking. This shows you're serious about doing it right and making sure you're not wasting your time lifting and then giving your body nothing to build upon.

I am no nutritionist, not a doctor, not Oprah, not much of anything really, but here's what I came up with for my own son after doing some research.

For My Son (just turned 19):
To build muscle during his summer workouts, he needs to consume between 2800-3000 calories a day, spread over 6 meals, each about 3 hours apart, and in the following ratios: 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% healthy fats. These ratios are for building muscle, not necessarily for endurance, so after his summer training he'll need to bring the carbs back up but still get enough protein to maintain his gains.

I just did a quick google and found this straightforward document which can help you figure things out:
(you will notice, however, that for my son I have researched a much higher protein % than recommended here - just personal choice based on other things I've read - and besides, my son is thin as a rail - he needs a little bulk and is working out hard.
Good luck to you!!
Last edited by Krakatoa

I will be serious for a bit here - and give you my suggestions.

I am not a nutritionist - or a Doctor - I just buy food and cook it. Then - people eat it. Keep that in mind please.

1) Chicken and meat dishes.
You can make them a million different ways - so you never get sick of them. You dont need filet mignon - a good 5 pound Pot Roast with medium grade meat will still do the trick. Dont be afraid to use different cheeses to enhance these meals - just dont go nuts on it.

2) Vegetables and Fruit - eat alot of them. With every meal.

3) Peanut butter, ice cream and rice. Again - you can have this stuff alot of ways - so it doesnt get boring.

4) Dont drink soda. Dont eat candy. Dont drink coffee or alcohol.

5) Drink milk. Or have milkshakes if you dont like milk straight up.

6) Work out alot - and eat 5 times a day. Even if it isnt much.

And most importantly - buy yourself an Italian cookbook.


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