My son's high school coach called yesterday-he'd just resigned and accepted another job. They're supposed to open the job up I think today and I'm not sure for how long. Varsity assis. coach is also gone. When my son fills out forms now, he has no coach to put down! I know it's only temporary but what do you put? Everything he's done so far has this coach and his number listed of course so nobody will be able to get a hold of him once he's moved. His coach said he'll be glad to still be a reference but don't know his new number, etc. yet. New coach won't know my son from Adam and here it is-the summer before senior year! We really liked these coaches-they'd coached my son since he was a freshman on varsity and really knew him-we're going to miss them. Can't believe there will be such changes for senior year. Just a little more stress added to recruiting!!! Help!
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