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Betting on the games is way off the chart in any day of MLB.
The steroid users were many... and the league was doing almost nothing to curtail its use...
I contend if that dad had not testified on Capitol Hill about his DEAD son... MLB would still be hemming and hawing and worrying about the "unions" response... That dad changed the whole discussion and McGwire's "I'm not here to talk about the past" cr5p-ola just wouldn't fly...
Back to the question.... Betting on games is way worse.
TR steroids may not have been banned by baseball, but they are illegal in every state in the US without a prescription. So the difference is not Rules v. Ethics. All the roid apologist believe if the idiots who run baseball didn't have a rule against it, than it is ok. Should release all the test results and arrest all the players who tested positive.

relax---I am not 'roid aplogist and we are talking baseball rules being brokem or not---not whether it is legal or not and you can get steroids with prescriptions as did the wrestler who recently passed

Gambling on baseball is breaking the baseball rules---taking steroids et al was not against baseball rules until just a few years ago

I am also not so sure that medical/test records being released will be deemed legal

You can believe as you wish but I am very comfortable with my feelings

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