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A friend told me the other day about a service he used that is available.

I am wondering if some of you have had any experience with the product or knows who does it.

It is a professionally done DVD of your kid playing baseball that you can forward to potential colleges.

He was not sure what the cost was but thought over $500
Have any of you done anything like that?
If so would you recommend it
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Talk to college coaches about this before paying big bucks to have one of these videos made. Most coaches told us over the years of our recruiting process that unless you're already on their "list", they just toss those unsolicited videos into the can without ever looking at them. You're probably better off looking into getting yourself a video camera and shooting/editing the videos yourself, and then either emailing the videos to the coaches or putting them up on something like YouTube or your own website and emailing the links to the coaches -- a lot cheaper in the long run.

In the end, coaches know that regardless of who makes them, the videos are heavily edited to show only the best reps on the mound, in the cage or in the field; that's why they tend to put less stock in videos than they do in being able to see the kids live in game situations or showcases. No question that videos can be a tool to use in your marketing, but they should be just that -- only ONE of the tools that you use, if you use them at all. IMHO, there are probably better and more effective ways to spend $500 getting your kid in front of the right coaches and programs.
Last edited by gr8day4bsbll
This is Rich Prado from "Play In School - College Recruiting Videos".

Stilllearning - you have a pm.

VikingDad - Thanks for the shout out!

I agree with most everything everybody is saying. If you do video, do it right! PM me and I'll be happy to share examples of my work, you can feel free to critique it.

I'll try to be brief with my thoughts, because I can talk about this topic all day. I actually do talk about this topic all day, most days. Ask my wife!

Forget about baseball for 1 second...
If you were unemployed and looking for work, what would be some of the steps you would do to find work? Perhaps filling out applications of companies you are interested in, sending resumes to those companies, making phone calls, sending emails, networking with anyone and everyone, letting them know what valuable skills you have to offer, showing off your skills, etc. You would probably not sit on the couch doing nothing while waiting for the phone to ring with a 6-figure salary on the other end. Doesnt work like that, right?

Back to baseball...
Kids (with the help of their parents and coaches) should be doing all the same things. Writing, emailing, showing film, going to camps, playing in showcases, etc. The days of "just being found" are over. I go to every D1 Draftable showcase. The talent level is extremely high. If a coach does not know who you are and where to find you, then you are relying on luck to make a play that stands out from the crowd. What if you walk during that 1 at bat in front of that coach of that school you are interested in?

Coaches do look at film. And if a coach doesnt, well you are no worse off then the day before. They still dont know how good you are.

My mantra is that you (the player) has to be PROACTIVE. Go after what you want. Dont wait for it to find you. Video is just a part of the mix, but according to some old saying...."a picture is worth a thousand words." Any mom or dad that thinks that if their kid is "good enough" that the coaches will find them is essentially saying that if I sit on the couch long enough Owens & Minor or Capital 1 will call me with a 6-figure salary.

What I truly believe is that coaches are not staying up at night looking at RANDOM YouTube videos or going through some of the baseball databases. There are many new baseball versions of online. I personally dont know anyone that found a career on, do you? College coaches have plenty of choices of high end ball players that actually WANT to go to their school. Why are they going to sift though minutia looking at kids that may or may not have even heard of their school?

Be personal. Be proactive. Dont wait to be recruited. Recruit the schools you are interested in and can actually play for.

Sorry for the long post. Feel free to email me or call if you have questions about the details of what my service includes. I dont want to list kids and schools here, but my 2010 group of kids will combine for between $1 and $3 million in scholarships and will attend schools ranging from in state D3 through Ivy League programs! See you at games as soon as the snow melts.

By the way, I'm still filming indoors! Tuckahoe has an indoor infield. PM me if you like to see video that was taken there. It is awesome. Just received an email from a parent I filmed in there recently. He copied emails from 5 coaches that had already seen his kids video. That kid will start junior year with a leg up on their teammates.


Rich Prado

Play In School
College Recruiting Videos
Originally posted by K Complex:
Originally posted by redbird5:
Coaches do not watch unsolicited videos whether they be DVDs or YouTube links.

I dont concur- in sons case- they definetely did use the link to a video for son last year.

stillearning-you have a private message

Your son's case is the exception rather than the rule. I am simply relating what college coaches have told me as well as having witnessed quite a few coaches filing the day's mail in their "circular file".
Originally posted by redbird5:

Your son's case is the exception rather than the rule. I am simply relating what college coaches have told me as well as having witnessed quite a few coaches filing the day's mail in their "circular file".

I agree with redbird -- we heard the very same thing from a number of college coaches at all levels from DI to DIII and JuCo, and even witnessed two DI coaches drop their day's delivery of unsolicited DVDs and player packages into the circular file during our official visits with them. But as I noted above, videos can be a tool used in the right way -- just don't make videos the primary (or only) tool in your approach, and don't bank on videos being very effective and delivering the bang for the buck that some video-making companies tout.
I will say this, videos will get YOU a more in-depth look, example ... SU's (LHP) Matt Davis (Syracuse, NY) sent the coaching staff a video and we were all like, this kid is pretty darn good.

Did SU see him play? No way ... he was up in near Syracuse, NY and look what he did at SU.

So does video/video links work? You bet, its up to the college to review it.

Again, MATT DAVIS from SU was discovered thru a video that he sent to Shenandoah University.

To close, e-mail and video/video links is a GREAT way to introduce yourself to any college of your choice! Just do it!

Respectfully shared,
Coach Milburn
Last edited by MILBY
Telephone or email correspondence:

Player: "Hi coach X. My name is johnney baseball and I would like to come play at your school."

Coach X: "Great! Thanks for calling Johnney Baseball - do you have a video you could send us? We'll take a look at it and see about getting out to see you play sometime down the line."

rinse and repeat.

Now, is $500 really worth it? Is a coach going to be wowed by bells an whistles that a video producer will try to convince you is the difference? I doubt it. Coaches are more likely looking for tools and athletecism in your video - the production level of your talent - not the production level of the video.

But if you have the means the pro vids are nice for posterity.
Originally posted by JC11:
Just to jump in a bit, based off my experiences, a video is helpful, but it should not be the primary tool for "selling" yourself to a coach. By sending them an email or giving them a call and letting them know about your past successes or abilities, you'll be able to recognize if they have interest in you/ seeing you play right away. If they do thats when a video is handy (especially if the school is far away from home).

Bingo! and that is exactly what we did with emails and a video link in the email. worked well!

DVDs may be less succesful as they need extra time to open them, load them etc- but the video in the link was fast and painless since it was right in the email.
Originally posted by birddog:
If a coach asks a prospective recruit to send a video then having one handy is a plus. In fact if you want to get actively recruited having one is almost a must. However, I agree with others that unsolicited videos don't get viewed and are usually tossed upon receipt.

I know for a fact at Shenandoah University, videos get reviewed. It would not be wise not to review such information that is being given to a respective university. It's FREE for them to review as all they need to do is just pop it in or click on a link and presto, you are reviewing a recruit that has interests in your respective school.

Good gracious, not sure why a college coach would not review it? Look what SU found in Matt Davis, just think if that coaching staff would of tossed that in the trash, Matt Davis would of never been at SU nor played in the D3 World Series last spring.

Something to think about folks.

Picture below is of Matt Davis who closed out and saved the game in the Reg'l Championship against John Hopkins. Scott Lambert is the catcher.

Coach Milburn is on the ball.One of mankind's greatest assets is curiosity and because of this I am sure they look.The question is how long and should you start the video with intro-****?The answer is most assuredly no on the super You-Tube junk and let them see what you are claiming to be,good for there program.Show them your benefit and keep in mind they can slow the video down and use you as an example of what they do not want because of poor foot work,hands,routes,grip and or delivery.They like to see the video from behind as well so they can time you.Keep in mind this seemingly easy approach to exposure may not be your particular best avenue.Young players should seek the advice of respected high school coaches before trying to by-pass the recommended route.When your coach is regularly placing talented kids in D-1 and D-2,D-3 programs ask him how?Dad's may wish we knew,but it may be time to leave it to the dreaded COACHES.
Consider this....

Many high school and travel coaches encourage their players to work with me. Why? Because it gives them an incredible tool when they are talking to a college coach.

Imagine this, high school or travel coach is on the phone with the college coach. Instead of TELLING them about a kid, they SHOW them the kid. No longer is the conversation about tangibles. A college coach can see strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement, etc. Now the conversation can shift to the intangibles....the make up of the kid as a person.

Many of the teams I work with are posting rosters on their team web page with links to each kids personal web site that I create (username and password protected for security purposes). College coach wants to see infielders....there they are, pitchers....there they are, etc.

Remember that every baseball player retires eventually. If a kid can utilize some athletic ability to further his or her education, isn't that what it is all about? 2 of my kids in the 2010 class that have already committed had Ivy League schools as their "back up" schools. That is a nice "back up". In 20 years it wont matter if you played baseball in the ACC or the SEC, but telling someone that you have a degree from Princeton will. Think about it.

Rich Prado
Play In School
College Recruiting Videos
Originally posted by PIS:
Consider this....

Many high school and travel coaches encourage their players to work with me. Why? Because it gives them an incredible tool when they are talking to a college coach.

Imagine this, high school or travel coach is on the phone with the college coach. Instead of TELLING them about a kid, they SHOW them the kid. No longer is the conversation about tangibles. A college coach can see strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement, etc. Now the conversation can shift to the intangibles....the make up of the kid as a person.

Many of the teams I work with are posting rosters on their team web page with links to each kids personal web site that I create (username and password protected for security purposes). College coach wants to see infielders....there they are, pitchers....there they are, etc.

Remember that every baseball player retires eventually. If a kid can utilize some athletic ability to further his or her education, isn't that what it is all about? 2 of my kids in the 2010 class that have already committed had Ivy League schools as their "back up" schools. That is a nice "back up". In 20 years it wont matter if you played baseball in the ACC or the SEC, but telling someone that you have a degree from Princeton will. Think about it.

Rich Prado
Play In School
College Recruiting Videos

What's your fee for this and what does that include within the video?
Coach Milburn -

Every situation has to be looked at individually, but here is a typical package...

- Videography....all skills shot from multiple angles, simultaneously. This is not filmed assembly line style the way that some other companies do it. I work 1 on 1 with clients.

- Editing....I hate that word though, I prefer "condensing" because I condense the video to be extremely short. A coach will have a good idea after a few swings. If they like it they may watch more, if not, they move on to the next kid.

- Web Development....Each kid gets their own PERSONAL web site that is username and password protected. Websites contain all bio info including academic, athletic info, and coaches contact info. This is NOT a database system. This is NOT baseballs version of . It is a PERSONAL web site that the player and/or coach can use as a tool in the communication process with college coaches. I stress that they have to be PROACTIVE. Why wait for someone to do a "database search" and hope that you are on the top of that list.

- DVD production and duplication.... most players will start out with 10-15 dvds. Each disc is professionally made and contains the same video and bio info as the website. It is nice to have a few of these in your bag at a showcase or camp. If a coach asks for film, you put it in their hand. Each disc has the players face and some bio info printed on the disc.

- Consultation....I've been through the process my self and have now been through the process over 100 times with kids. Most moms and dads just want to bounce ideas or questions off of me. I'm constantly on the phone talking about strategies for communicating with coaches. Remember that the goal is NOT to get a scholarship with a video. The goal is to get them to come watch you in person.

- Cost? All of that will set you back less than 1st semesters books freshman year! Another way of putting it....less than what most parents pay for their kids cleats, glove, and bat. Those seem to be replaced yearly now!

Most people's initial thought is that I'm expensive. The problem is that there is little to compare my service to. I can get 15 quotes for car or life insurance in 30 minutes. If you haven't shopped around lately, a professionally made website will run you a minimum of $500 and that does not include any of the other stuff that I listed.

My most recent 2010 commitment is a kid from down here in Va. He proactively went after many schools in New England. The school he chose retails at over $50,000 and he will be receiving an academic scholarship of almost 85%. His dad originally thought I was expensive. We are now best friends! He will be saving more than $170,000 over the course of 4 years.

Please feel free to email or call if you'd like to see examples of my work or to schedule a filming session. It's not to late to get letters, schedules and film out before opening day.

Rich Prado
Play In School
College Recruiting Videos
Originally posted by PIS:
Coach Milburn -

Every situation has to be looked at individually, but here is a typical package...

- Videography....all skills shot from multiple angles, simultaneously. This is not filmed assembly line style the way that some other companies do it. I work 1 on 1 with clients.

- Editing....I hate that word though, I prefer "condensing" because I condense the video to be extremely short. A coach will have a good idea after a few swings. If they like it they may watch more, if not, they move on to the next kid.

- Web Development....Each kid gets their own PERSONAL web site that is username and password protected. Websites contain all bio info including academic, athletic info, and coaches contact info. This is NOT a database system. This is NOT baseballs version of . It is a PERSONAL web site that the player and/or coach can use as a tool in the communication process with college coaches. I stress that they have to be PROACTIVE. Why wait for someone to do a "database search" and hope that you are on the top of that list.

- DVD production and duplication.... most players will start out with 10-15 dvds. Each disc is professionally made and contains the same video and bio info as the website. It is nice to have a few of these in your bag at a showcase or camp. If a coach asks for film, you put it in their hand. Each disc has the players face and some bio info printed on the disc.

- Consultation....I've been through the process my self and have now been through the process over 100 times with kids. Most moms and dads just want to bounce ideas or questions off of me. I'm constantly on the phone talking about strategies for communicating with coaches. Remember that the goal is NOT to get a scholarship with a video. The goal is to get them to come watch you in person.

- Cost? All of that will set you back less than 1st semesters books freshman year! Another way of putting it....less than what most parents pay for their kids cleats, glove, and bat. Those seem to be replaced yearly now!

Most people's initial thought is that I'm expensive. The problem is that there is little to compare my service to. I can get 15 quotes for car or life insurance in 30 minutes. If you haven't shopped around lately, a professionally made website will run you a minimum of $500 and that does not include any of the other stuff that I listed.

My most recent 2010 commitment is a kid from down here in Va. He proactively went after many schools in New England. The school he chose retails at over $50,000 and he will be receiving an academic scholarship of almost 85%. His dad originally thought I was expensive. We are now best friends! He will be saving more than $170,000 over the course of 4 years.

Please feel free to email or call if you'd like to see examples of my work or to schedule a filming session. It's not to late to get letters, schedules and film out before opening day.

Rich Prado
Play In School
College Recruiting Videos

Rich, thanks so much for the background information, I believe I got everything but the fee? clapping
Last edited by MILBY
Coach Milburn and TRhit -

That is my point exactly....1 semesters books can be pricy. So can that new bat every year.

My fee typically ranges from $450 to $700. Sometimes less, sometimes more depending on a number of factors. Either way, if considered as a part of the total cost of college (avg. 60k public or 100k plus for private) it is less than 1/2% of total cost.

I'm not getting rich doing this. I do love every second of it though! My 2010 class will combine for between $1 and $3 million in scholarships (possibly more). My first 8 kids that committed early this year combined for more than $500,000 in athletic and academic scholarship. Those figures are for 4 year combined totals. I have yet to have a family not recoup their investment and then some when their kid matriculated.

Hope that helps. I know that there are some shady guys out there. Ryan Wheeler described me as one of the "good guys" to U of R's camp last month. I DO NOT claim to be a scout, agent, or recruiter. I am creating a tool that the athlete can use to help HIS recruiting process. That is all.

As always, feel free to email or call anytime with questions.

Rich Prado
Play In School
College Recruiting Videos
Originally posted by stilllearning:

How is the website promoted? Are mechanisims in place to give it priority on search engines like google and yahoo?

Why? Do you think coaches run Google or Yahoo searches for players to recruit?

There are legitimate questions to ask this guy - the price and terms are two of them. Website promotion and search engine protocols seems a bit snarkey. Do you really think that's relevant?

And the guarantees? how about this - if you kid is good he's guaranteed to look good in DVD quality. If he's not then you'll have visual proof of that fact.
wasnt tryimg to be "snarky" - and sorry if I did.

I was asking about the web site promotion because it was listed in one of the bullet point describing the product under the heading "Web Dedvelopment" and was listed as one of the benefits. I assumeed it was being promoted in some way

All legitimate questions on my mind as a potential customer.

Snarky?...... " if you kid is good he's guaranteed to look good in DVD quality. If he's not then you'll have visual proof of that fact"

Now THAT sounds snarky as you say.
Stilllearning -

Good questions.

Typical payment terms are consistent with many "services". I usually accept half up front and collect the final half upon completion.

Each kids website is their own to do what they want with it. Coaches are not googling unknown kids anyway. Plus, each kids website is username and password protected. This is for their safety and the safety of their family. As far as promoting the site, that is up to the player, their family, and their hs or travel coach. Remember, I preach PROACTIVE.

Guarantees....I guarantee that I will create a video that portrays the athlete fairly. I cannot control a kids bat speed or arm strength. I am have worked with kids that are borderline D3 and I have worked with kids that I have no doubt we will be watching on TV in a few years. There is a place for everyone to play in college (assuming grades are stellar).

Email or call anytime. I will be happy to share examples of my work. I am not comfortable putting a kids video in this public forum though.


Rich Prado
Play In School
College Recruiting Videos
Those sites will charge you well over 500.00 for video that is too long anyway. College Coach or Pro scout doesn't need to see a 5 min. video to see if they like your son. First of all they wont sit there for that long and secondly they can see all they need to see in 30 seconds. offers high defintion videos when you attend their events which include a pro scout evaluation, full skill combines and re****s posted on their web site and their own web page with their videos on their page and you just have to copy and paste to send it to any College you choose. All for 129.00 which is a steal in my opinion. They have an event Feb.28 In hampton Va. Go check out their web site and viwe sample videos for yourself
Wow, sound like we stumbled into a secret club or something. I didn't know posting a opinion on a message board was spamming.

Thought this was a message board. When you say "we can can start talking baseball", I don't understand who is the "we" you speak of. I would like to think I am part of the we , and that we are talking baseball.

It is unfortunate that most postings on these type of message boards are negative in nature that look to ridicule coaches, parents, players, travel organizations, or posters.

As far as , we do want to let people know about the events.

So far it is has been a tool used by players to secure over 2 million dollars in scholarships, we know that many parents are looking for this type of asset.

The thread was about the value of video, and we answered with our opinion.

Self-promoting is a strange term, any time some one states an opinion, that can be self promoting.

Being proud of what you do, and to stand behind it with integrity and honesty, seems to be the way to go, in my humble, self promoting opinion.
Last edited by Bobby McKinney
Yes we try to make money as i'm sure you do at your job, but yes we care about the game of baseball and the young kids that we Coach and train. I'm just offering my opinion about videos and how they are recorded using the right angles that Scouts want to see and its done for alot less money, That is a simple fact!!!! I've played this game at every level there is to play including the Major Leagues and i know what is important to College Coaches and Pro Scouts. That is what is all about.

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