Number one...Does he have control? Y /N
If he does then he has a pattern or best pitch that he counts on for a strike and one he counts on for a strike out. If he has no control/ command then just hang around unitl you get your pitch or take the walk.
Number Two.... If his best pitch is EX: FB away then you will likely see it in the sequence. If this is true then the likelihood of your seeing a FB middle is very low so don't expect it. SO, you objective might be an oppo line drive in that pitch location. Since the set up /load for an outside pitch is slightly different it might pay to guess this location at times. You can react in and up but not down and away once you have set your stride foot
Number Three : How often can he throw the offspeed for a strike? If he is average in this category then you might take all first pitch CBs and look for the FB away next pitch.
Number Four: If he can throw the FB inside and down and throw the CB for a strike your in a h** of a mess